JoinedPosts by Stewart75
Physically Abused by JW
by Stewart75 ini have just read a post by think, saying he was physcially abused by jw many times, .
i am sorry if this has ever happened.. is it true or was think just exaggerating since i have read many put down posts from think about jw.. is think trying to extract revenge to them?
or just one bitter person who has been thru many terrible times with in the jw organisation?
Thanks for welcoming me on JWD,
It is disgraceful in how the offender - kept under the radar" continued to carry on, and you said God knows how many.. So why not for the sake of other potential victims.. why not you report it to one of the elders, if you can find one you can trust.. even thou if we are non or ex JW ( i am aware there are some elders many claim to be distrusting.. but I am sure there are some honest elders.. )
Everyone deserves in every race to be brought up healthy without any abuse.. whether they are non JW or JW
Physically Abused by JW
by Stewart75 ini have just read a post by think, saying he was physcially abused by jw many times, .
i am sorry if this has ever happened.. is it true or was think just exaggerating since i have read many put down posts from think about jw.. is think trying to extract revenge to them?
or just one bitter person who has been thru many terrible times with in the jw organisation?
You are quite right about one thing, I have lots of reading to do, there are about 5100 threads here and I would appreciate which to start with if you know of one.
Blondie, I am saddened and sorry to hear about your past incidents, I am SURE jehovah/God doesnt tolerate these actions, because I am sure that God's Love is much (if ever measured) is much much more than of the Love the mother has for his child. You deserve better indeed! God wont ignore you, and he will Love and give you the spirit of strength, wisdom and Love to help you everyday.
Again, God is not blind, he will not let those who did these get off scot free, if they did but their conscious wont be free and they would have to look over their shoulders unless that person admits and doesnt repeat anymore.
Physically Abused by JW
by Stewart75 ini have just read a post by think, saying he was physcially abused by jw many times, .
i am sorry if this has ever happened.. is it true or was think just exaggerating since i have read many put down posts from think about jw.. is think trying to extract revenge to them?
or just one bitter person who has been thru many terrible times with in the jw organisation?
I have just read a post by THINK, saying he was physcially abused by JW many times,
I am sorry if this has ever happened.. Is it true or was THINK just exaggerating since I have read many put down posts from THINK about JW.. Is THINK trying to extract revenge to them? or just one bitter person who has been thru many terrible times with in the JW organisation? or just speaking aloud to form a bigger anti JW group?
I find that hard to believe after visiting few congregations and forming friendships with JW, even thou I am not a JW, I got to respect those JW as one of the nicest people I have met, I believe most of them are trying to serve Jehovah even in ways man would view as incorrectly but at least God/Jehovah looks at those by their heart.. God is not stupid nor is blind to earthly acts we do.. They didnt really pressure me to join them but encouraged and we always ready to answer my questions. I can believe that most JW with their best intentions to please Jehovah. Of course there are many who have stumbled but no one is perfect except the Father and the son, Jesus..
I am believe there are many catholics, Muslims, Jewish who had been physically abused and God is not Blind to those actions. This is the first time I have heard one claims that one has been physically abused by JW.. It was from THINK- maybe there are others but havent seen or heard yet.
There is no one perfect religion organisation but there is one oganisation who teachs and abide by Gods laws more correctly (in Gods view- he will reveal it one day ) than other organisations.
If there are any other similar abuse incidents.. I would be open to hear them. honestly only please.
HIstory of WorldWide church
by Stewart75 in.
would there be anyone who know the of world wide church of god, their founder hw armstrong was an ex jw?
D Dog
"Looks to me like they still have a problem with hell and eternal judgment:"
The old WCG or the new WCG? I know the old preached quite a bit about Hell and made us fear God or we would be shunned, but as for now, it is more like, WCG teach that those will are saved by grace only.
I wondered if there are any JW who had been DF'd or voluntary left the organisation still keep the anti trinity beliefs? or did most of them come to believe in Trinity? Also come to believe that there is Hell?
HIstory of WorldWide church
by Stewart75 in.
would there be anyone who know the of world wide church of god, their founder hw armstrong was an ex jw?
This would be very unlikely,
During the past 10 years, the Worldwide Church of God believe they have developled with unprecedented growth in doctrinal understanding and in sensitivity to the world around us, especially other Christians. Yet the scope and speed of changes since the death of their founder, Herbert W. Armstrong, has confounded both supporters and detractors.
Jospeh Tkach has abandoned some of older teachings, Armstrong preached that WCG doesnt support easter, xmas, birthdays, and we were to keep the sabbath days as holy, was anti trinity.
WCG now can celebrate birthdays, some even send xmas cards, many are allowed to work on the sabbath, and attend the holy days - day of atonement, feast of tabernacles - as shadow of former Armstrong's teachings. They even teach teh validity of trinity.
Those who are likely to follow Armstrong's teachings - are those from United Church of God, and Philadelphia Church of God..
WCG has since blended with other Christian with their new trinity beliefs
HIstory of WorldWide church
by Stewart75 in.
would there be anyone who know the of world wide church of god, their founder hw armstrong was an ex jw?
It was rumoured that H Armstrong was an ex JW- It is JW's claim, they also claimed that WCG was a sect breaking away from JW organisation. Followed most of Jewish's rules - keeping holy days - 'Day of Antonement, Feast of Tabernacles, Sabbath, was disallowed eating non clean foods 'pork, Ham, Rabbit etc.. Partial from war, voting was disallowed..
They didnt have trinity in their beliefs, until they came to 'light' and now accepts the beliefs of the trinity.
HIstory of WorldWide church
by Stewart75 in.
would there be anyone who know the of world wide church of god, their founder hw armstrong was an ex jw?
Yes I have noticed it, especially the last ten years (get those figures from my mother)- drop in attendence and in finance..
Born and grew up in WCG.. but havent attended for past 10 years..
Some ex WCG leaders have created other organisations - Unitied Church of God, Global Church of God
HIstory of WorldWide church
by Stewart75 in.
would there be anyone who know the of world wide church of god, their founder hw armstrong was an ex jw?
Would there be anyone who know the of World Wide Church of God, their founder HW Armstrong was an ex JW?
Noah's Ark.- Kangaroos
by Stewart75 inf(l)ood for thought,.
if god had organised for each pair of species into noah's ark prior the flooding which destroyed many in wildlife.
i wonder if any of australian animal species like kangaroos, wombats and emus were also included?
Woohoo for all your funny replies - I laughed at that Tasmanian Devil especially,
Thanks for the entertainment ;-)