Hi All,
It's interesting to me that the price of the book is an issue here.
However, perhaps it would be better to consider how and why a person would get the book.
The book is actually written only for Jehovah's Witnesses, former or current. It is not written to the general public since they know very little about what Jehovah's Witnesses believe or don't believe. It is a doctrinal essay. It was written in the fall of 1994.
That being the case, over the last 30 years we rarely find anyone interested in the book that is not one of Jehovah's Witnesses; occasionally a Catholic priest or a Baptist minister might request a copy of the book.
Over the past 30 years since we've had the book in print, we have found that it is a very effective tool for those among Jehovah's Witnesses to have the book when they agree to take the 90-day online bible study course with us.
For details on the free 90-day online bible study course, see this link:
In other words, a person does not need to buy this book if he is NOT going to take the online 90-day bible study course.
We do not recommend it.
Instead, a curious person who is either one of Jehovah's Witnesse or not, can learn much of the same information found in the book FOR FREE by consulting over 100 full-color blogs complete with numerous scriptures at our "scubadiving" page.
See link:
I hope this clears the air about the work of Donald C. Burney, who founded the YORWW Congregation 33 years ago and personally financed this venture with his own capital. He certainly does not need anybody's money.
Jesus said, "the truth is free". (Matthew 10:8)
. . . Now, can we get on with some real Bible education.
Littleleslie (Eileen Leslie Kiser, formerly of Jenkins Congregation, Jenkins Minnesota)