Ezra, can you explain scripturally why whole blood transfusions are forbidden, yet blood fractions are not?
JoinedPosts by tmo1965-2
Blood/Big News article
by skyman in.
i know this has been mentioned in the big new thread but i think a lot of people might miss this since the thread is so long.. is church's 'blood' doctrine inconsistent?
for those of you on the west coast, PRINCE is on SNL right now
by orbison11 in.
well the show is just starting and he is due to sing during the show.... hope this is not a double post:).
I question if Prince is still a JW. He's been doing some things for a while that I didn't think JWs were allowed to do. For instance, he attended a Maxam magazine party a few months back. For those who don't know, Maxam is a gentleman's mag (not porno) but scantly clad women in itty bitty swim suits type stuff.
I would like to see how the dubs on his websites respond when it becomes known that he is no longer a dub. That should be halarious. I was surprised to see him have dancers at all. Since he became a JW he stop having dancers and now they have returned. Maybe he sees the light and using the fade method to get out?
Do you still read the bible?
by JH in.
i don't read it anymore.. i figure that i know enough of it, without having to go back and read it again.
Whenever reading the Bible make sure it's not a NWT.
I understand scepticism about God, especially after experiencing the WTS. My advice is don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Too often people focus on the church, pastor, decans, church members, when we should be focused on Jesus. All those involved in religion can and will fail you, but Jesus is the only one who will not fail you.
Did Anyone Try to Warn You About the WTS?
by tmo1965 indid anyone try to warn you about the wts before you saw the light?
how did you react to the info?
did you resent the person / people who told you?
It may help to pretend to be interested, but you may find that they bring in the 'heavies' after a few studies to suss you out. If they feel that they are not 'progressing' in their study with you and their faith is being compromised, they may ditch you.
It would be interesting to try though. Let us know what happens!
Actually, I've tried it twice and it went down pretty much like you said.
A brief background on myself to help you understand why I would even bother. I've never been a JW. I knew about them all of my life, but I thought they were just another denomination, like all the others. I consider myself a devout Christian. I'm a big Prince fan and have been a member of a few of his fan webpages. Well Prince has become a JW. As a result there are dozens of JWs on the message boards spreading their version of the gospel. At first, I felt that something was off, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I started doing research on the JWs and found out about their past and their wacky teachings. As a Christian, I felt an obligation to "inform" this bunch about the errors in their doctrine. I was shocked to find that with all kinds of concrete proof of changed wording in their NWT that have no basis in the Greek and Hebrew, proof that 607 / 1914 is junk, etc. that they still refused to see that the WTS is a modern day false prophet. They defend the society to no end. I just don't understand that level of mind control. So I try to tell any JW that I come into contact with the truth.
The 1st group came to my house to deliver a NWT that I had requested over the phone about 6 months earlier. They seemed to be in a hurry to drop the book and leave, but of course I invited them in and told them that I had been talking to some JWs on the internet and I wanted the NWT to follow along with their discussions (which was a lie. I wanted to compare the NWT to a legitimate translation so I could find where they had changed stuff.) Anyway, I started to tell them that I didn't understand some of their teachings based on what I've read in the Bible. (btw. when they came by it was around Christmas time and my house and yard were fully decorated ) I forgot what subject we started on but they had me all over the place as far as Bible subjects. The 1st 2 was an elder's wife and a fairly new one. After all the questions I asked and scriptures I showed them, the next visit was the elder's wife and a 15 year "veteran" (:lol) To make a long story short, they came by at least 3 or 4 times and I wasn't budging. On the last "Bible study" as they were standing up to leave, the elder's wife told me that I would regret having rejected the "truth". I told her that I could say the same the for her. She then said, well that's fair. They left and I never heard from them again.
The 2nd group was 2 men. I started to question them about the Trinity. They didn't want to spend time that day and one of them sent his wife and another younger girl (early 20's or late teens). I started asking questions about scriptures that support the Trinity and they did not have any answers, of course. The younger girl diligently took notes of all my questions. (I hope she actually researched them for herself.) I could tell the younger girl was less experienced in the field because as I explained my position on the Trinity with scriptures, she ask me real snooty like "Are you trying to teach us?" (:lol) Of course they didn't bring her back the next time. The older woman brought her husband to dominate me. He hardly let me get a word in edge wise. Well series ended after about 3 visits. The woman tried to return a couple of times, but my mother, who was watching my kids while I ran errands, was there when they returned both times (oddly) and she has a real dislike for the JWs because of a friend of her's who got DF'd years ago. She told them that they were a cult the 1st time, The next time she told them that I didn't live there anymore and they never came back.
Did Anyone Try to Warn You About the WTS?
by tmo1965 indid anyone try to warn you about the wts before you saw the light?
how did you react to the info?
did you resent the person / people who told you?
Do you think it would have had the right effect if someone showed you scriptures and previous WT literature that shows, for instance the failed predictions?
I'm curious about this, because I have had several witnesses come to my house and I pretended that I was interested in a "Bible" study so that I could bring up scriptures that showed their error. I wonder if that type of thing would have any effect.