You've been offered such good advice here already. However there are a few things that stand out in my mind:
1. Keep coming back here. This place can be a soul-saver for you. A wealth of experience and information. You are not the first to have to go through this difficult situaiton and, sadly, you won't be the last.
2. On page 1 you wrote:
if Jehovah wants to kill me to do it RIGHT AWAY, to JUST PULL THE TRIGGER...he would do me a greater favor than menacing me for years with Armaggedon.
I would re-think how you talk to your wife about spiritual things. Something like what is quoted above is almost psychotic and difficult for most people to address. Really, how do you think she *should* respond to something like that. I do not remember what your current belief system is, but I will guess that you do not really think a god named Jehovah is out to get you personally and plans to murder you himself. Nor do I think you really believe that Armageddon is looming with you as its primary target. So why taunt her with talk like this??
Since she seems to be so deeply *in* one of these stances may be better: (a) agree to not talk about any spiritual/religious things; (b) have a weekly family study that only uses the bible - and maybe compare different versions/translations; (c) if she brings up your relationship with Jehovah, just politely let her know that you are confident and at peace with your relationship and standing before Jehovah. Exude that peace and smile when you say it. Let the confidence and peacefulness ooze out you.
3. ABSOLUTELY find non-JW things to do with your daughter, with your wife, and by yourself.
4. Don't abandon your daughter. Forget about the religious stuff. You are her dad. Period. Fight for access to her and make the time you spend together count. Do fun things. Do adventurous things. But don't leave her. Ever. It does permanent damage to a girl's self-esteem. Keep calm and be determined to not let ANYONE separate you from your child.
5. If you want to see if there are witnesses near you, check the old postings on the home page for 'Apostafests'. You might find something there. Alternatively, you can send a private message to someone you trust here and ask them to create a new post there to suggest a 'get-together' in your area. When I travel, I often post to see who might be available to meet - even if just for coffee.
Nice to have you back - whoever you were...~!