Terribly sad news.
RIP, Oompa. RIP, Eric.
our friend, oompa, has passed away.
just recieved the news a couple of hours ago, and have almost no details.
it happened today or yesterday, he took his own life.
Terribly sad news.
RIP, Oompa. RIP, Eric.
i went to this congregation from 1969 to 1979. in 1979 it was dissolved and everyone was assigned to two new congregations.
i was only 10 yrs old, so nobody told me why.
but isnt it ususual for the sunflower name not to be carried over but two new ones to be made.
OODAD wrote: I think Tim Bivins would know but I doubt he'd ever say.
I vaguely remember the name but he was not in that congregation in the 80's. Possibly was in the Circuit but not that cong.
i went to this congregation from 1969 to 1979. in 1979 it was dissolved and everyone was assigned to two new congregations.
i was only 10 yrs old, so nobody told me why.
but isnt it ususual for the sunflower name not to be carried over but two new ones to be made.
Don't know the answer to your question but, in the early 80's, the 'Westlake Village Congregation' became the 'Conejo Hills Congregation'. In hindsight, I wonder if it had to do with property ownership. AFAIK, the property for this hall was donated by a former member.
Loosie - hope you don't mind if I piggyback this inquiry onto yours. I would have almost the same question as you. Why would they change the names?
i love my jw mom.
we have had issues and struggles, but she loves me, i love her and we tolerate a lot of things we differ about because of that love.. you may remember my dad died a little over 11 years ago, and my mom took to a lot of drinking and she was very depressed.
i thought she would just die of despair or drink herself dead or drive drunk.. she has calmed down on the depression and i i know she still drinks too much, but i think it is a little more ocntained.
Regarding the lung biopsy... These types of biopsies are done for all sorts of reasons. (And there might even be different approaches.)
Since your mom is consenting so *some* treatment, maybe you can try to talk her thru her reasons for refusing this particular DIAGNOSTIC tool. Why allow MRI's, scans for diagnosis and agree to chemo and radiation but NOT a lung biopsy?
I had lung biopsy back in 1998. It was done as out-patient using a lavage process. Pretty Easy-Peasy. For all the scans, preps, proceedures, and treatment I had with my cancer, the lung biopsy was *by far* the easiest.
Your mom may be making decisions based on faulty understanding and expectations. I'm going thru this with my dad. In his mind, he builds up the simplist of procedures into future catastrophic events.
With my mom, she was hospitalized a few years ago. She consented to treatment in the hospital but not any tubes or devices hooked up to her. I don't know if my siblings ever convinced her that the IV tube for fluids was simply for that: fluids. In her mind, she equated IV Fluids with 'Life-Support.' In a way, she was right. But not in the typical way the term 'Life Support' is used in common medical terminology.
I think the problem lies in the older generations view of hospitals, medicine and aging in general. They remember how it was back in the 40's and 50's. Also, the WT does them no favors when it comes to trusting/distrusting non-jws, doctors (ie: blood transfusions), and technology.
i love my jw mom.
we have had issues and struggles, but she loves me, i love her and we tolerate a lot of things we differ about because of that love.. you may remember my dad died a little over 11 years ago, and my mom took to a lot of drinking and she was very depressed.
i thought she would just die of despair or drink herself dead or drive drunk.. she has calmed down on the depression and i i know she still drinks too much, but i think it is a little more ocntained.
JWDaughter - Sorry for the struggles with your mom and, Boy! do I relate to much of this. There are so many of us with aging parents that are facing these difficult scenarios. For ex-JWs, I think it's even more complicated.
You wrote: I don't know what to think I don't even know how JWs view this-I forget! Seems dead before armageddon, you get another chance, right? Or does suicide screw you?
Last I heard/understood, JWs view suicide as 'self-murder', thus likely disqualifying one for resurrection. But, really, only Jehovah knows for sure.
I agree with FoundSheep - Have this conversation with your mom and be direct and blunt. Not emotional, not judgemental. Just an open and honest conversation. Maybe also make arrangements to meet with one or more of her doctors yourself (with mom) so you can ask the tough questions yourself and get a more realistic understanding of her condition.
Please keep us posted. Your updates are likely to help others as much as yourself.
well since my other thread was closed and i do not care too much to begin another one -witht the exception of this one to say goodbye- because it would just be closed again, i bid you farwell =).
thanks for your genuine comments and to the fake ones (how ironic being i'm fake too lol) i have this to say: hahaha.
Dyfii - Welcome to JWN. Nice to have you join us.
Still reading your post.
i know the park is huge and i won't have much time there, but in a couple of weeks i will have a day or a day and a half to explore this part of the country.. i will be busy at big sky resort for a few days and leaving from bozeman on tuesday.
that leaves all day monday and possibly part of sunday to explore.. does anyone have any suggestions for maximizing my free time in yellowstone?
Tough to get a handle on what there is to see and do without ever having been there before. Great suggestions so far. Keep them coming.
Iamallcool wrote: ... take vita logic parasite formula before you go...
Oh yikes. I had not even thought of this. I guess if we go into the mud, we should be concerned. Anyone else have comments?
a controversial subject that hasn't been talked about here for 10 years (or so it seems on my quick search).. .
i think it's wrong to spay or neuter.
i bet most of you will disagree.. my vet just called me an irresponsible owner for refusing to have my cat spayed..
Thank you, Gander. I was trying to be clever but failed.
i know the park is huge and i won't have much time there, but in a couple of weeks i will have a day or a day and a half to explore this part of the country.. i will be busy at big sky resort for a few days and leaving from bozeman on tuesday.
that leaves all day monday and possibly part of sunday to explore.. does anyone have any suggestions for maximizing my free time in yellowstone?
Fakesmile - Thanks for the valuable tip. That is top of my list. I think hantavirus is mostly being reported in Yosemite this year, though.