Looks like a younger version of my neighbor, the Catholic Theology writer. Well, the facial hair does, anyway.
And I *do* see the Romney resemblence, too.
i don't know how to paste images from my smartphone but take a look on page 11 from today's watchtower (study edition) september 15, 2012.... .
is it just me or does jesus look like mitt romney???.
haha i have to read so i have no more time to talk but please let me know what you think!
Looks like a younger version of my neighbor, the Catholic Theology writer. Well, the facial hair does, anyway.
And I *do* see the Romney resemblence, too.
next week i am having surgery at the local hospital .
one of my old jw 'friends ', that no longer considers me worthy of even a hello ,is a surgical tech there .. would you take steps to ask she not be on the operating team ?
it was brought to my attention today that i do have the right to ask for that person not to be present because of personal issues .. what would you do ?
So glad you spoke up and got the compassionate response you wanted and needed. Hope all goes well with your pending surgery.
You probably already know this, but friend of mine keeps reminding me to eat very healthily in the days and weeks prior to surgery. Better that your body be nourished as well as possible before it sets about to heal. Lots of leafy greens and all that.
Best wishes for speedy recovery!
when people start threads by posting a link such as youtube or news, do you go there to see what they want you to see?
or, would you prefer that they ran a short intro or summary for you?
do you think that there is laziness on one side or the other?.
I try to do a brief summary, provide the link to the document, and, if it is an article on a different website that may not be valid after some time has passed, I will also cut and paste the pertinent information (in context).
I always like when people provide summaries (one or two sentences) so I can make a decision to take time or not. I pick and choose which threads I read here.
might be back, might not.
i really appreciate the historical information on the jw's this board allowed me to find out about.
it really put things into perspective.
I think it's a cycle. An ebb and flow.
Come back and visit once in a while.
Edit to add - Actually, it's just always changing. Remember when it first started 12+ years ago, it was designed for active witnesses and apostates were not allowed to speak their filthy, godless thoughts.
Simon said.
jamie smithmatthew patonken olsenlaurakenivycourtkkrb777lauramatthewepatonmatthewepaton invited more 2 of 2,300 detailed account by whitney heichel's elderinboxx.
11:42 pm (9 hours ago) to undisclosed recipientsdetailed account by whitney heichel's elder.
by candice corinne bertram on monday, october 29, 2012 at 12:42pm .
Greenhornet asked: I got this email I am wondering if this is true?
I personally believe it's true that an elder may very well have posted that account. I also believe that there is a good amount of 'spin' and twists that overly glorify the JW actions.
Here is the thread from yesterday discussing the same post from the elder:
why, he even has gone to some meetings at their kingdom hall!
someone calls with a large wedding tent that they would like to donate and set up in the kingdom hall parking lot for the public memorial on friday.
i was amazed how people who came that didnt even know whitney, but simply felt a need to be here and comfort the family.
Sir82 asked: Any idea about what the "episode", referred to above, was?
Yes. About a year ago, he took off with a friend's rental (??) car and the friend filed a police report. Holt showed up about 12 hours later with no real explanation of why he took off and where he had been but his comments to wife and friends was essentially the same: 'Needed to clear my head.' He was distraught about his marriage, (lack of) job, etc.
i grew up as a witness, but it's been a few years since i've been to a meeting.. i'm having trouble being social and making new friends.
i've moved away from the town that i grew up in (about 45 minutes away) and, although i'm not df'ed, i've lost track of my old friends after they found out i wasn't attending anymore.
you guys know how it is.. i'm self-employed, extremely introverted, and have kind of isolated myself for a while.
why, he even has gone to some meetings at their kingdom hall!
someone calls with a large wedding tent that they would like to donate and set up in the kingdom hall parking lot for the public memorial on friday.
i was amazed how people who came that didnt even know whitney, but simply felt a need to be here and comfort the family.
Regarding the question about Holt's official status in the cong:
On another JWN thread, 'seenitall' wrote: I have direct information that Jonathan Holt was not reproved. He stepped down from being an MS after his "episode" last year. He had not attended meetings the past few months and his wife was getting ready to seperate from him. This info comes from someone in the same cong. who will not be identified. They read letters in all the congs telling ones to not be interviewed by media and refer all questions to the family spokesman. The branch sent out 2 brothers to do comfort the cong (do damage control) and the District Overseer conducted the Memorial Service on Saturday. All this is from reliable source.
On the same thread, JW GoneBad wrote: I learned from a friend who knows members of Whitney's congregation that Jonathan Holt has been baptized some 4+ years, had been a MS but was reproved last year and removed. The question remains: Reproved and removed …….Why? Is there a connection with his being reproved, removed as MS and this crime?
Does anyone here know which is correct?
why, he even has gone to some meetings at their kingdom hall!
someone calls with a large wedding tent that they would like to donate and set up in the kingdom hall parking lot for the public memorial on friday.
i was amazed how people who came that didnt even know whitney, but simply felt a need to be here and comfort the family.
why, he even has gone to some meetings at their kingdom hall!
someone calls with a large wedding tent that they would like to donate and set up in the kingdom hall parking lot for the public memorial on friday.
i was amazed how people who came that didnt even know whitney, but simply felt a need to be here and comfort the family.
Here is link to the 44-page police affdavit that I mentioned earlier:
Here is link to an article about Amanda Holt:
Regarding Holt's judical reproof, I think it was a JWN poster that said this was false. Holt 'stepped down'. So there is discrepancy with regard to his official congregational status. Clearly he was an irregular and possibly inactive publisher. (Although in the police report he stated that he was out in service with Whitney and others a month or two earlier. But he may have been lying about that in order to explain any evidence in her car that placed him there.)
Link to article that summarizes alot of the memorial and the people involved:
"[Amanda is] ... being cared for as much as Clint and just wants people to know how grateful she is for the help," Vaughn said.