Here is from SickOfLies:
Unfortunately, the links in the opening post are no longer valid. Not sure if they were saved somewhere else...???
so far i have found only about 10 judicial recordings/transcripts online total.
there has to be more out there i would think... here's the people i've found so far:.
matthew barrie .
Here is from SickOfLies:
Unfortunately, the links in the opening post are no longer valid. Not sure if they were saved somewhere else...???
the rss feed should (may?
) be working again and hopefully performance should be a little faster now as well.. as always, please let me know if you have any issues or notice anything not working quite right..
I was trying to post a new topic to the Apostafest/Meet-Up section. Did not see it register so posted again. I see my thread in the 'ActiveTopics' section and on the front 'Home' screen, but not when I click to look at just the 'Apostafest/Meet-Up topics. The topics display only shows those which were created 12 and 13 years ago.
it's called quitting jehovah's witnesses & other cults: how to do it & why you should, and i hope you'll check it out.
i wrote it because other books seemed to focus on personal experiences (boring, irrelevant) or doctrinal discussion of why i should convert to some other religion (boring, irrelevant and insulting).
anyway, it's an ebook, it's free, and it's out today..
Marking for future reference.
i really thought that i would never go to another memorial service at a kingdom hall ever again.
i found out today that a man that i truly respected as a man passed away recently.
his daughter call me to let me know.. even though i haven't spoke to them in years, i still consider them family.
Sorry for the loss of your old friend.
But it is so nice that you were contacted and included in the event. I cannot count the number of times I've been told of someone's passing months AFTER they were gone. That is just compounded loss.
about 4 months ago i pm'd poster "emma" because i noticed she was from the same state i grew up in.
i told her about myself and where i grew up, i was not a jw growing up but she was.
as we communicated we eventually realized that we were from the same neck of the woods and then even from the same high school and graduating class.
Several years ago poster 'outnfree' mentioned my family's name in one of her posts. My parents conducted a study with her sister back in the 70's. She and my mom (devout JW) were living in the same cong territory in a completely different state (35 years later.) I have not seen outnfree here on JWN for several years. I hope she is doing well.
Another JWN poster wrote something here that was a dead-giveaway to his former congregation. The same as mine in the 80's. We pm'd and are facebook friends, but, as yet, have not met up in person. I used to attend book study at his house and was friends with his now-ex-wife.
Yet another JWN poster found JWN because of a careless post I made in which I cited his real name in a public (not private) section. His name is not very common but he has become well-regarded in his field to the point where he was telling people to just google his name to find information about his business projects. Apparently some of his customers asked him if he was a JW. He said 'yes, how did you know that'? So he googled himself, clicked the link to my post on this site and eventually joined the site. We have caught up on each other's lives thru pm, email and some phone conversations. Have not caught up in person, but plan to. [And a mod graciously removed my careless, errant post. It eventually faded from the google hit list. And I have apologized to my friend for my careless error. I am usually so very cautious about other's anonimity, this was fluke. But an innocuous one with, I believe, I very good outcome.]
There are some others who have pm'd me that they know people from my old congs. And MANY others who I first met on JWN and *then* met in reallife.
I think it's fun. I hope to meet up with many more of my former JW friends. Soon.
have you ever seen something that so perfectly describes the situation facing all jw's??.
probe = new light (+ memory wipe).
Marking to watch later.
this poor woman was a victoria secret model.
she gave it up to become a muslim.
Women are treated with respect and they also respect themselves and their bodies. They don’t do one-night stands or casual flings.
A person does not need Islam - or any other religion - to behave this way. It's a personal decision for many people, both men and women.
i hope that i am not eating up alot of bandwidth and annoying anyone.
however as i make my exit i want to reveal as many things as possible.
i have a friend who had doubts about the latest change and wrote a letter.
I have read alot of letters from 'branches' and from Brooklyn in response to individuals who had questions or needed help. I don't recall ever seeing such a detailed response to someone unless there was legal action or if someone was being outsted from the 'family'.
Amazing he got so much attention from someone there to actually bother with a reponse other than 'pray', 'more field service', 'discuss with your local elder body', 'new light', or 'wait on Jehovah'.
wife and girls are at the convention today.
hate this time of year.
while my wife tries to hide it, the inevitable post convention zeal pops it's head up.
Condolences to you...
But we understand what you are going thru.
this is the exchange of text messages i had with my super spiritual brother.
it is sad... it is pathetic... it has helped me realize that i have no connection to these people anymore.
i feel free today.
love2bworldly wrote: always trying to control my non jdumb parents & "help" them and look like the wonderful daughter, while she bashed me and her other non Jdumb siblings & treated the rest of us like crap
I see this phenomenon with my sister (and similarly with my mom). She was overly involved with the care of the elderly mother of our uncle's wife. (the uncle, his wife or the elderly mother are all non-JWs.) She was an incredible help right up until the time the elderly woman died.
Yet during this entire time, she had very little to do with her siblings (me included) and would only speak with our father if/when he was in the hospital. Each time he was discharged, her calls and show of concern ceased.
In my opinion, it is because she (and other witnesses) feel a need to make a pretense of concern when it comes to their family. But the org messes with their 'natural affection'. The fact that we no longer believe the same - but we once *did* - puts her at odds with the org if she interacts kindly with family on a continuous basis. If she didn't call dad while he was in the hospital, it would have made her (and her religion) look bad because she would not have current update on dad when the non-jw family asked about him.
The non-JW extended family, as a consequence of the forced-distance with immediate family, get all the attention in an effort for the witness to prove to him/herself that they are not devoid of human compassion. They get to tell tales of caring for family members. They get the adulation of people without having to do the tough work of making nice with family members who - for better or worse - chose to think a little bit for themselves and, as adults, do not care to slave for a cult.
Plus the witness gets to count service time while helping non-jw family.