OK... Looks like my previous link is bad...
This one should work: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/110725/1/Im-back#.UsE0w0reTQI
Scroll to the bottom of the first page and you find some of what you are asking for.
the watchtower moan about copyright when people quote or display the shepherd the flock book, but those big margins are there for the info they dare not write in ink, the juicy bits!
being in the margin and penned, are not copyrighted.... anyone fancy copying their margins, or sharing the interesting legal/doctrinal bits and bobs?.
anyone have the time to scan them in?.
OK... Looks like my previous link is bad...
This one should work: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/110725/1/Im-back#.UsE0w0reTQI
Scroll to the bottom of the first page and you find some of what you are asking for.
the watchtower moan about copyright when people quote or display the shepherd the flock book, but those big margins are there for the info they dare not write in ink, the juicy bits!
being in the margin and penned, are not copyrighted.... anyone fancy copying their margins, or sharing the interesting legal/doctrinal bits and bobs?.
anyone have the time to scan them in?.
Here's a few notes from 8 years ago. Not sure if there's been update(s) since then...
(Scroll down a bit and you will find a few scans.)
I tried to make it clickable and it looked like I was successful with hyperlink until i hit 'submt'. Then the link was broken.
Oh well. I tried.
hello everyone, i know you have heard this topic before and your probably thinking.
...not again lol.. but i was wondering if anyone has thought of going back for the same reasons as myself, i don't think its the truth but i searched and my conclusion is that other religions don't have the truth, they are all wrong in my opinion.
if there is no other religion to go too, why leave were i was born and raised.
There are much better ways to spend your time. Either working on a degree, developing a hobby, taking a walk, reading.
When you meet new people, you don't have to make them understand you before you can hang out with them. Just hang. Do things together. Eventually you can tell parts (or all) of your story. But it does not have to happen first.
And returning to the org with intent to be distracting and rude is just bad manners, imo.
i'm just curious but has anybody meet some one on jehovahwitness-net who they knew in their jw lives.
just want to hear experiences.
please include the indicators that led up to you identifying each other, and how you eventually revealed yourself.
Yes. 3 people that I can think of off-hand.
One trigger was that I got a pm because I mentioned that person by name in a thread that kept coming up in google searches when that person's customers searched their name. [At my request, the mods removed my old post. I never should have posted the name in the public section.] That person has posted here fairly often for the past 2 or 3 years. It was fun getting back in touch.
Another trigger was someone else mentioned my family as being in a particular congregation in the 1970's. That poster no longer posts. I hope she's OK.
The 3rd one triggered when we both, on the same thread, mentioned that a well-known network reporter's father was an elder in a particular congregation in California.
I keep looking for more but am obviously much more careful in naming names.
me just learning the truth about the truth has just made it hard to even get through a two hour meeting at the the kingdom hall.
i get so sleepy during them and i almost cannot contain it!
the last time i went to a convention, i was still an avid believer but as you can see, that has changed.
Towards my last year or two of attending meetings, I could not keep awake. To cope I would stand in the back of the hall. Elders would ask me to sit but I told them my back hurt. I would frequently get up for water. For assemblies, I would walk. Alot. (and I worked in the auditing department so had lots to do during sessions at the District Convention.)
It's brutal. Find ways to miss meetings. Work late. Have a sinus headache - then stay home, take a walk, watch tv, or just go to bed early.
Take a class?
I don't know your situation much at all but there is probably a slew of people here who have a near-identical situation to yours. I'm sure you will find good support here.
And Welcome to JWN! We're glad you found us and even gladder that you spoke up!
-Aude Sapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself)
at least i think thats what its called.
she was watching it at my parents house just now.
i asked what she was watching on my mums tablet and mum said whilst laughing 'oh sorry but she wants to watch bible stories' then all i heard was something about jehovah and keeping rooms tidy.
My mother pulled crap like this with my niece and nephew all the time. She would breezily laugh it off. Or, when my sister-in-law was babysitting my younger siblings, mom made sure that part of the daily 'to-do' list was meeting preparation or reading from the Bible Story book. She knew exactly what she was doing. She told me so. Making sister-in-law read the Bible Story stuff with the kids, my mom saw this as 'captive witnessing'. She was so proud of herself.
Sister-in-law, on the other hand was not amused.
And the boys hated the forced bible stuff when they had a fun, non-jw adult they could play with!
Separately, when I was 7, my parents were non-religious and had not yet begun studying with the JWs. Somehow (probably from kids at school) I decided that I really wanted to go to Sunday School. My parents found a church nearby and every Sunday morning would drop me and my little brother off at Sunday School. They did not attend with us. Just dropped us 2 little kids off. LOL. I was 7, my brother was 3. [Sounds crazy now. But I guess I was pretty mature for my age and overly responsible with my brother.]
I think we did the Sunday School thing for about a year before I tired of it. But the thing is, I think your 7-year-old may very well have shown an interest. (Could have been coerced. But not necessarily. I wasn't.)
However, the main difference is that JW publications first and foremost induce guilt and fear. Sunday School had us coloring Noah's Ark, Moses receiving the 10 commandments, the nativity. We learned a song to sing all the books of the bible in order. We sang "Jesus Loves the Little Children". And we played with other kids our own age. All the kids were together for about 20 minutes, then separated by age group for another 15 or 20 minutes. What we learned was age-appropriate and, to my recollection, never made us feel guilty or fearful.
It's the guilt and fear and sensationalization of godly-destruction that is so prevalent in JW publications that I would highlight to your parents. Maybe find and watch the video yourself. Or look at the other one on the jw website. Be familiar with them when you talk to your mom and let her know that you are working hard to raise a competent, curious, self-confident, intelligent young woman and carefully choose material that helps foster good values, and good morals, without triggering fear and guilt.
If your daughter really is curious about religion, without prodding from grandparents, you can find lots of stuff on your own online or at a bookstore. You can attend a non-demoninational church - this will give some friendship, too, along with the opportunity for community involvement/service. You can just read specific parts for the bible yourselves. Or you can tell her there is plenty of time later in life for religion and philosophy and that right now, her biggest job is to be a kid.
Good Luck with the JW grandparents.
my story is long, heart stopping, tragic, and puzzling.
since i posted what was said to be my last post, i received a private message which sparked my attention about the watchtower.
immediately i did research, and have found not only proof from outside sources, but the watchtower openly admitting it.
[on my way out. marking to read later.]
here's a question.
i was baptised at a very early age.
it may have been as early as ten years old.
i have a question.. the conventional wisdom seems to be that to 'convert' a jehovah's witness (or get them to see ttatt) you have to ask questions that they cannot answer and engage with their true personality not their 'cult personality'.. intellectual arguments tend to fall flat because jws (who do not already have personal doubts) believe they already know the absolute truth so anything contrary to that truth is nessecarily wrong.
any criticism of their beliefs will be seen as an attack or persecution and will be dismissed as flawed 'human thinking' or 'apostate lies'.. to 'true believers' any amount of contrary evidence and illogical inconsistencies in their beliefs can be dismissed or explained away.
their starting point is that they have special knowledge of absolute truth and all evidence and arguments are then weighed against this preconceived belief.. here is my question.
Ha! I see you already did start a new thread. LOL.
Must be past my bedtime. Goodnight!