Quite a few changes. Fun to see all put together in one thread montage.
i was on this board a lot when i faded and left 6 years ago but not been on much since.
is there any thread/s in particular to read showing the changes in the past 5 years?
or any kind willing person who has time to summarise them as a reply below??
Quite a few changes. Fun to see all put together in one thread montage.
after reading the thread soon to be 18 and quit speaking to her mother- suggestions?, i started thinking of how to use the wtbts's doctrine to help jws to see what is the real purpose of shunning for the wtbts.
hopefully, some good ideas will be posted to this thread and may help exjws and jws to maintain relationships with each other instead of shunning the non-jws.. how would a jw react to the following?.
do christians shun or not associate with non-jws to help non-jws believe that the wtbts has the "truth", to keep the cong clean of non-believers, or to not be shunned?
some guys visited me a couple of times, and i asked them about the book of revelation.
one of them brought me a red book with a lot of illustrations and at the end of every page or so the guy had dated the day he had read it.
he also marked certain passages.
If it's been longer than a month since you left him the message, toss it.
i was in my company truck again today, pulled over to the side of the road in a neighborhood, doing some measuring and looking for some survey markers.. a group of jw's were working their way down the street toward me.
the 2 middle aged ladies were smartly dressed, one had brightly colored highly styled auburn hair and was wearing large noticeable jewlry.
the brother was late 50's hispanic also smartly dressed in a black top coat and seemed like he might be elder material.
Cute story. Thanks for sharing.
Please give us an update on the status of permits and grievance. Please?
first post here: longtime lurker but hesitant to take the leap.
my story is pretty much like everyone elses with little variance, but i thought id add a few details that especially tormented me when i was in.
im sure these are familiar, im afraid this is a bit of a rant.. --paradise: the constant chatter about a perfect world when most in the hall were not even slightly interested in taking care of the earth now.
Ummm.... Yeah. You'll fit right in.
Welcome!! And thanks for jumping in and joining the discussion.
-Aude Sapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself)
are elders required to report domestic violence to law enforcement?
what if children are involved?
i am wondering if the elders will report a situation to police or dcfs here in california.
dear reader,millions of americans believe prayer works.
yet the mainstream media tends to avoid the subject altogether.but our mind health report team at newsmax health wanted answers to questions like these:can modern science explain prayer?does praying strengthen your brain and prevent mental decline?what benefits, if any, does prayer offer you physically, mentally, and emotionally?to this end, the team went out to the scientific and medical community to learn the potential benefits of prayer and what they found both surprised and excited all of us here at the mind health report.the results were so startling, in fact, we created a free video presentation to share with you exactly what we discovered.when you watch this free video, youll discover how prayer actually changes four distinct areas of your brain.
in fact, youll see exactly how prayer or other spiritual practices increase activity in the areas of your brain that are most helpful to you, and diminish activity in areas that are less helpful or even harmful.youll also see:how a specific amount of prayer time per day can help prevent memory loss, mental decline, and even dementia or alzheimers .
exWTslave wrote: Prayer and meditation reveals your trust in God, which means you seek harmony with God.
I disagree with this statement and consider myself Agnostic. I'd be more inclined to agree if the word 'universe' replaced the word 'god', though.
Prayer, in my opinion, is a quick way to dump a person's problems on a diety. Or request a diety's favorable intervention on a human condition or circumstance.
Meditation, to me, focuses on realigning my sense of self and placement within the universe. And sometimes a simple series of deep breathing is all I do. Mostly I stare at the mountain outside my back door.
During cancer treatment in the late 90's, I participated in 'Guided Imagery' sessions as a support of my conventional treatment. I am uncertain if it actually helped balance my blood chemistry, but it absolutely helped me with my mental outlook and lowered my stress levels. I attended once a week and it was way more profound than *any* prayer I ever heard. It was a beneficial supplement to chemo and radiation - no doubt about it.
i was curious what might be some good things to say if i am questioned by the elduurs about my decline in fs.
anything too honest may get me a jc (although that would be for the best in the end..) the co visit is this week so they may be getting more agressive than usual.
You got some really good suggestions.
Anxiety, depression, stress, exhaustion are classics. Sort of like the plague in JW-land.
dear reader,millions of americans believe prayer works.
yet the mainstream media tends to avoid the subject altogether.but our mind health report team at newsmax health wanted answers to questions like these:can modern science explain prayer?does praying strengthen your brain and prevent mental decline?what benefits, if any, does prayer offer you physically, mentally, and emotionally?to this end, the team went out to the scientific and medical community to learn the potential benefits of prayer and what they found both surprised and excited all of us here at the mind health report.the results were so startling, in fact, we created a free video presentation to share with you exactly what we discovered.when you watch this free video, youll discover how prayer actually changes four distinct areas of your brain.
in fact, youll see exactly how prayer or other spiritual practices increase activity in the areas of your brain that are most helpful to you, and diminish activity in areas that are less helpful or even harmful.youll also see:how a specific amount of prayer time per day can help prevent memory loss, mental decline, and even dementia or alzheimers .
I do not believe that a diety listens to human prayer.
However I have long believed that there is benefit to the person who sincerely participates in prayer. But the benefit is not so much in the words/messages conveyed to their god who may or may not respond to the petitioner's liking, rather, it's more the shift of consciousness. That mindful, meditative process provides healthful benefit to the person praying.
As does meditation.
Prayer vs meditation. I believe they can have the same exact result.
I play Words with Friends on my Kindle at night. It locks up on me often.
But I still play!