I just read your follow-up comment about 'church' and the bible-thumping friend.
You can join the church for what you get out of it and join a separate play group for association on a mommy level. You don't have to find everything all in one function. It's really, really hard to do that.
As for the friend who keeps witnessing to you... Just tell her that you really enjoy her company and the kids like playing together but you are not interested in hearing about her church. It's just too raw for you right now after having been spiritually abused for a few decades. You can share your story or not. But *most* people will take the hint to tone down the preaching after the second or possibly third reminder. Just cut her off mid-sentence when she starts to preach. Unless you really don't want to give her another chance.
I have a new friend who has bible study evening weekly with women from her church. Mostly they get together to drink wine. We laugh about it. She enjoys it. She knows I have zero interest. Sometimes she tells me about a topic they discussed. Sometimes I tell her my thoughs. Sometimes she cares and sometimes she doesn't. Same with me. But we are still good friends. We don't *have* to agree on theology or philosophy in order to appreciate each others better qualities - and the mischievious ones, too!