I agree with Balaam EXCEPT I would not ask if anyone is reinstated. JWs get so hung up on status within the org. Just make basic, normal inquiry about old friends.
Behaving like a normal, decent, happy person seems to confuse most JWs. They don't know how to relate.
Think up a few happy, non religious things that you and your family have done lately. Smile big and mention those things then ask what they've been up to.
Be ready for the questions about which cong you attend or your relationship with Jehovah. My own answers are: None right now.I'm taking a break. I'm very happy and confident with my relationship with Jehovah. Never been better. Really.
If pressed for details, tell them this is neither time not place for that conversation.
Btw... welcome to JWN! Nice to have you join us and looking forward to hearing more of your story.
Aude Sapere (meaning: Dare to know, Dare to have wisdom/understanding, Dare to think for yourself )