On page 2 of this post: There are 400K registered sex offenders in the USA and 320M inhabitants that is 0.13% of the population
That is just the *registered* offenders. I know for a fact there are MANY more offenders than are on the list. Some are just plain not even reported. Others avoid getting on the list by having a good attorney who works the system for their client to prevent this 'stigma' from being placed on their wealthy, prominent community member.
Edit to add: Regarding extrapolating the data to show a huger potential, I don't see how that is even necessary. The documented numbers are bad enough. Simply noting that many, MANY cases are not even reported to ANYONE, that these 1006 are in Australia alone, and that it is 1006 *offenders*, not the number of victims. Most offenders assault multiple victims.
I think those numbers are solid -- and SCARY enough -- to get the attention of most decent people. No need to risk being considered an over-the-top alarmist.
The situation as it is presented, is bad enough. VERY bad, indeed.