The more people I meet, the more I like my cat.
rode over to the farmer's market with a couple of neighbors, nice women, seem sensible.
the driver stopped in the middle of a block and stared at the coca-cola truck that was parked there.
she said, "do you see the round tower?
just fyi.
i knew for about a month now.
no one knows except one other (ha the congregations knows he told an elder) not your mother.. just wish you had credible information to spread.. please let's give him some.
What 'scandals' do you want to expose?
Be specific and we can see what we can help research secular details.
Intellectual dishonesty? (The numerous mis-quotes of others just to suit their position?)
Plaguerism of copyrighted photos?
607 BCE - The fraudulent date?
Mexico/Malawi - The atrocious disparity of how each was handled?
Pedophilia - Known cover-ups within the JW org and the millions that have been paid out already to victims?
Pedophilia - The list kept at JW HQ?
The WTS decade-long affiliation with the UnitedNations?
What specifically do you want us to help you with?
-Aude Sapere (meaning: Dare to Know; Dare to Have Wisdom/Understanding; Dare to Think for Yourself)
my jw daughter called me this afternoon!!!!!
!i am just over the moon.
her hubby not a jw has cancer & was operated on today!!!!.
So happy you got to talk to her. So very nice to see you so happy~!
That's a big step for that daughter. Hope the husband recovers well.
well the guy that outed pretty much gloated about it at work i reported him to the boss but i think he has poisoned the well as the boss is borderline acussing me of things.
i am feel like getting an attorney and sorting this out the hard way.
he has been spying for a month according to his own admission.. .
The 'so-and-so is no longer one of jehovah's witnesses' announcement simply eliminates the disclosure if the separation was voluntary or involuntary.
An attorney may be able to stop an announcement from being made.
just before i started undressing to take a shower to go to an appointment, the door bell rang.
i thought about not answering the door, but then thought what the hell it could be my neighbor, who is a widow and in her 70's, needing some help.. at the door was a frail man about 85+ years old dressed in a shabby sport coat, shirt, tie, and slacks, and a skinny woman about 75+ years old in a long dress that needed to be ironed.
as i grabbed my dog to prevent him from jumping at the screen door, which was partially open, and beating the couple with his tail and making them fall, i thought what am i going to do.
This thread has inspired me to invite them in if they ever call on me again. I moved 7 years ago and not a single JW visit since then.
@ Clarity - Frozen Thin Mints are the BEST. I also like frozen M&M's, and other little chocolates. But thin mints are best eaten frozen. Try it, you'll be hooked!
in the spanish website extj one forum user shows evidence that on the 18th and 19th of september in chile the government calls to honor the nation displaying the national flag everywhere.
failure to do so is liable to a fine.
you can see the photos here:
jws are in need of more kingdom halls in many major u.s. cities.
at this years agm where it is expected that most of the faithful will be able to listen to the meeting (being tied in by video), dont be surprised if the wts 8 gb members take part in a symposium delivering some long winded appeal, petition, plea, proposal, proposition, solicitation or otherwise hit-on the masses for $$$ in order to lighten the burden and overuse that many kingdom halls are experiencing.
an acquaintance from the west coast mentioned to me that in late august thru early september of this year that a number of pow-wows involving close to 5,000 elders from numerous areas (riverside, los angeles, ventura and orange counties) took place to drum up financial support from the 800+ (not sure) congregations in those areas.
Maybe they plan to build new halls and sell the old ones??
That's an awful lot of halls and money with dwindling (?) membership/attendance.
And seriously... $2.5 - $3million per hall?? with all volunteer labor? Seriously?
Someone plans to make a mint on this project.
Cal Worthington and his 'dog' Spot. ('Spot' was a lion, or some other zoo animal over the years. ) [RIP, Cal.]
if it hasn't been posted, it needs to be.
if it was posted, it should be posted again.. .
Logical, coherent, direct, compelling.
He was very, very clear about the poorly executed policies. The appeal to the elders who, the newspapers reported, refused to cooperate with the police during a pedophile investigation.
Misapplication of scriptures. Injustice done on a child.
Think very carefully before becoming an elder.
Who is the man speaking in this video?
-Aude. .
sorry for the long file, is there anyone that can clean this up a bit, the quality is actually pretty good considering the mic was hidden and i was in a big room.
Re-Reading some of this very old post and wishing/hoping the recordings can be re-posted as the links all seem to be dead.
Reading some of the comments from 7years ago, I stumbled on this quip and it made me laugh out loud:
JWD Poster: HOw did you do the picture SOL? Open camera or hidden?
SickOfLies: I pulled the camera outta my pocket and took their picture.