Emotionally Powerful.
made by kirsi-maria aho.
name of the painting is "committee".
here is the link if picture doesn't appear.
Emotionally Powerful.
she is magnificent!
katie kitten.
I remember from here!! YEARS ago. I think it was around the time that we had EvilForce and then the board wars. Around the time Simon was thinking he'd had enough.
Will definitely check out her videos.
i've read conflicting things so was hoping to get this clarified.. .
Balaamsass2 wrote: ... presiding in a fine manner.
More like "... presiding controlling in a fine an oppressive manner.
WT-approved, of course.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/shoae_gmlpy" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>.
The link worked. Marking to view later. Thanks!
i am here for the first time ...but have enjoyed reading others experiences that i feel i can relate too.
i used to be an elder for more than 20 years .
i have successfully faded with my wife and children.
I agree with Balaam EXCEPT I would not ask if anyone is reinstated. JWs get so hung up on status within the org. Just make basic, normal inquiry about old friends.
Behaving like a normal, decent, happy person seems to confuse most JWs. They don't know how to relate.
Think up a few happy, non religious things that you and your family have done lately. Smile big and mention those things then ask what they've been up to.
Be ready for the questions about which cong you attend or your relationship with Jehovah. My own answers are: None right now.I'm taking a break. I'm very happy and confident with my relationship with Jehovah. Never been better. Really.
If pressed for details, tell them this is neither time not place for that conversation.
Btw... welcome to JWN! Nice to have you join us and looking forward to hearing more of your story.
Aude Sapere (meaning: Dare to know, Dare to have wisdom/understanding, Dare to think for yourself )
we're 2 years in to our exit from the witnesses.
we're not disfellowshipped or disassociated ... just inactive.
none of our friends speak to us anymore.
I just read your follow-up comment about 'church' and the bible-thumping friend.
You can join the church for what you get out of it and join a separate play group for association on a mommy level. You don't have to find everything all in one function. It's really, really hard to do that.
As for the friend who keeps witnessing to you... Just tell her that you really enjoy her company and the kids like playing together but you are not interested in hearing about her church. It's just too raw for you right now after having been spiritually abused for a few decades. You can share your story or not. But *most* people will take the hint to tone down the preaching after the second or possibly third reminder. Just cut her off mid-sentence when she starts to preach. Unless you really don't want to give her another chance.
I have a new friend who has bible study evening weekly with women from her church. Mostly they get together to drink wine. We laugh about it. She enjoys it. She knows I have zero interest. Sometimes she tells me about a topic they discussed. Sometimes I tell her my thoughs. Sometimes she cares and sometimes she doesn't. Same with me. But we are still good friends. We don't *have* to agree on theology or philosophy in order to appreciate each others better qualities - and the mischievious ones, too!
we're 2 years in to our exit from the witnesses.
we're not disfellowshipped or disassociated ... just inactive.
none of our friends speak to us anymore.
Toddlers are tough. Then all of a sudden (almost) they snap out of it and become delightful preschoolers.
Find an activity to do outside EVERYday. Go for walks. Stop and look at flowers. Take a class just for yourself. Take a different class for your toddler and you to play together.
Check out local craft stores. Likely there are holiday things to do. (You can participate even if you don't relate the religious side of the holidays.) This way you will start creating holiday memories for your child(ren).
Do something fun - EVERY day.
It will get better.
There are many posters here who have been where you are now. They have created good supportive friendships for themselves and their children. Besty and SweetPea come to mind. Maybe SweetPea can tell you what helped her to make new, non-conditional friends...
a poster on another thread reminded me of when there was a 15 min.
break between the talk and the wt study on sundays.
the break was supposed to be to allow jw's time to drive their bible studys home from the talk.
Dagney wrote: ... when I was a kid I used to "play meeting" and line up the dolls and proceed to beat the crap out of them.
OMG! That is horrible. Bad enough to get beat. Worse when it's in public. But to incorporate beatings when playing 'Meeting'. Too, too much.
a poster on another thread reminded me of when there was a 15 min.
break between the talk and the wt study on sundays.
the break was supposed to be to allow jw's time to drive their bible studys home from the talk.
Tiki reminded me of a few more things. Yes, the public talk was an hour long - *if* the speaker did not go over. Sometimes the (what is the brother that introduces the speaker and the songs, etc called...?? Like an emcee, but that's not what he's called) speaker would be interrupted and told to wrap up in 2 minutes. LOL.
In our hall, the WT study sometimes went WAAAYYYY over the alotted hour. Once by almost 30 minutes. Brutal.
Handbills! I remember those. Speaker's names were omitted very early 70's for us, I think. Then for a couple of years there were just the talk titles.
Purpose of the intermission, as I think I recall better now, was to let the public leave after the advertised talk - but not before being greeted by individuals in the cong and being offered a free home bible study and invited to return the following Sunday. WT study was not that interesting to the public as it contained 'deeper' spiritual (read: crazy) information for discussion.
One of the happiest reports EVER was when the letter was read to limit the Sunday meeting to 2 hours TOTAL.
Start-to-finish, including songs and prayers. Seriously, some of those meetings from the early/mid 70's exceeded 2.5 hours. Add 30 minutes for us (elder's family) to arrive early to open the hall, an elder's meeting after the meeting and/or wait for everyone to vacate so we could lock up... Some days were there 4-6 hours. We brought books to read and homework to do.
a poster on another thread reminded me of when there was a 15 min.
break between the talk and the wt study on sundays.
the break was supposed to be to allow jw's time to drive their bible studys home from the talk.
I thought it was designed to be a smoke break, then discontinued both to discourage people from leaving at 'intermission' and the pending ban on smoking. The break was discontinued in the early 70's.