That would make sense, Island Man, except it is the Gentile Christian interpretation of the Hebrew Scriptures that makes G-d look bad. We Jews know that a lot of what is written and ascribed to G-d was really our own doing. If we saw a need to reinvent G-d we could have done so in the Talmud or Mishnah.
Also it was the Jesus followers who did what you are saying, not the Jews in general. I for one don't see how the Jesus Story is more enlightened. A Messiah who is born of a virgin and get identified as the world's savior by heathen Magi astrologers? A Messiah who tells people to keep his identity secret, who encourages Jewish people to stop eating kosher? A Messiah who claims all Jewish expectations about the Messiah are wrong, that G-d didn't teach his people what to expect in the correct way, and that the promised Messianic age he was supposed to bring is merely symbolic of life in Heaven? A Messiah that dies and resurrects from the dead but appears only to a select few? Why not appear to the whole Jewish nation that was promised the Messiah by G-d in the first place? A Messiah that would eventually lead his followers to persecute the Jews with pogroms, the Spanish Inquisition and the Nazi Holocaust? That's a weird enlightenment and odd God of Love, if you ask me.
Now back to this Watchtower illustration of Jesus coming down from heaven on a horse. He's wearing all white, so I suppose Armageddon occurs prior to Labor Day? If he wore such garb after that date it would be a fashion faux pas, and that can't be since Jesus is perfect, right? So the End of the World occurs before Labor Day, that's what I get that the JWs are trying to tell us from this picture.