Actually the Hebrew Scriptures do not attribute disabilities to sin as Jews never had a concept of original sin. It is first in the New Testament that you read of a connection between illness and sin and sometimes described as demon possession. This Christian connection remains alive today, but it is not part of Judaism.
In the Tanakh physical imperfections were seen as being far from the ideal reflection of G-d, and this at first caused a lot of injustice for those who were challenged in ancient times. Only perfect male specimens could act as priests, and certain types of challenges were once barriers to disabled foreigners who wished to become a part of Israel.
But by the time of the Second Temple era this began to change. The Judaic ideal transformed from bodily integrity to one of intellectual capacity, and with this change came the reasoning that physical and mental disabilities were not obstacles in measuring one's relation to the perfection reflected from G-d as previously believed.
The Temple cult with its demands on perfect animal sacrifices however only held back progress in this area, so it was not until the Second Temple fell that these changes began progressive moves toward just treatment of the challenged and became permanent features of Tikkun Olam.