As a Jew I wonder about this all the time because of Christianity's claim that Jesus is merely the Incarnation of G-d, or even as JWs believe that Jesus is at least the perfect example of G-d in the flesh. They don't seem to be on the same level in Hebrew culture. The so-called "vengeful, warrior G-d of the Hebrews" is actually an exegetical invention of the Christian heretic Marcion of Sinope that still lives in the doctrines of many current Christian sects today. Jews recognize that they often wrongly applied their own vicious efforts as recorded in the Tanakh to G-d when in reality G-d had nothing to do with many of those things, but Christians tend to interpret these same verses as literal acts of G-d.
Because Marcion despised the Jews, he created a philosophy that Jesus was a more superior god to the one the Hebrews worshipped. Jesus, Marcion claimed, was thus the loving G-d the Jews and the world needed. In his efforts to prove this Marcion developed the first Bible canon, one that dismissed the entire collection of Jewish books and included only a heavily edited version of Luke and epistles of Paul he claimed supported Gnostic notions.
You might also blame Christianity for the debate: "If G-d is all-powerful then why do the innocent suffer?" Jewish tradition doesn't ask this. In fact, as I just mentioned on another thread, Jews see that some denial of God's existence can be a good thing, even raising the atheist up as a good and beneficial facet of the world we live in unlike most theists do.
A great Hasidic teacher once stated that if someone comes to you and asks for help that it would be wrong to send him off with a pious message to have faith in G-d, that G-d would take care of all his troubles. Jews find this useless. In fact the Jew is to act as if there is no G-d, to take care of the needy themselves as if we are the ones responsible to make sure they get through their time of trouble.
People spend a lot of time debating the "why" of suffering, arguing over whether this means G-d exists or not. Jews feel this is time better spent finding practical ways to actually do something about suffering and leave the debate about G-d's existence to others. What good is proving that G-d exists by winning a debate on the subject if during the time you spent arguing you could have done something to help others?