Some of you hit the problem right on the head. Basic public educational systems leave what I like to call the "how-to-think-with-your-brain" lessons for later in life, like the university system. Primary education for youths today is more of telling people WHAT to learn instead of teaching them HOW to learn. While I learned the scientific method as a kid and started using it right away as a junior meteorologist by age 10, I can't say that these lessons seemed to have been universal or taught well enough to be remembered or practical enough for others to keep and apply as they grew up. That's how and where critical thinking often needs to start IMHO.
And people need to stop listening to Fundamentalist Christians and JWs about archeology backing up the Bible. While the locations may exist, and some of the people are historical, the same can be argued for "Gone With the Wind!"
If you look closer at the archeological evidence you will see that while King David was real, that it wasn't until he took the throne that the worship of YHWH replaced the worship of family idol-gods. While the general details of Moses and the Mosaic Law appear older than the written record, there are clear redactions and interpolations to the current written code that appear in the Torah.
And it isn't that this makes Jews reject their culture or religion, but it is more that others prefer to reject the empirical evidence. This distorts Torah and the rest of the Tanakh by claiming that only a Christian religious mindset can know the truth about such things when in reality it doesn't take a Jew or a theist to comprehend what is really there.