I was a third generation witness on my mom's side, but I was VERY fortunate that I had very loving, very balanced parents. They allowed us to do normal art, parties and singing at school, even for the holidays, figuring it was all part of the curriculum, but that was before the "SOCIETY" came out with their broshure to give to the schools. I even was allowed to play on the school softball team. We even went to my Dad's non-witness parents' house for Xmas dinner and presents, as long as they didn't put up a tree (They never did, so we would come). At least we did until the society pulled a major fit in the literature in 68 or 69. My folks compensated for that change by taking the whole family on ski vacations during the holidays. Plus they always made sure that we got suprises a few weeks before and after Xmas.
We were allowed to play with kids in our neighborhood. The only criteria my parents had regarding playmates was if they were fairly well behaved, decent kids. Their religion did not enter into it. I did not start hating service until I got old enough to be embarassed I might run into a school peer. Then I came up with every excuse in the book to avoid it, especially if I thought I might end up too close to home.
Meetings were okay, but mostly because I had a few friends there. I used to wait for my little brother to fall asleep, resting his chin on his propped up hand: Then I would knock it out from under him and he would jump awake. Good Times! I stopped doing it to my older sister after she tattled. My Dad would glare, snap his fingers and point. (I was a wimp as a child-That's all it took). Though we would all have "elbow wars" on the arm rests, until it got too heated and my Dad would do his "Snap & Point" routine. My big sister pioneered, so she was accepted everywhere, and I was welcome by association. Until the early 80's there were always lots of get togethers, parties, ball games, for all ages, then things tightened up a lot, and it seemed like everything that involved more than a few families or friends getting together was a "no-no".
The only real negative I can remember about growing up a witness was the awful pictures in the childrens' orange Paradise book. I used to have nightmares that I was going to catch fire and burn up in Armagedon because I was naughty.
I did love the circuit assemblies at Dodger Stadium. We always had people with kids come stay with us from out of town, we would sit "in mass" with my cousins and all my extended family, and would have ice chests of soda pop and goodies. My grandma would always bring my Grandpa's binoculars and we'd pass them around trying to find people we knew. We'd have sno cones, ice cream, carrot cake, fresh squeezed oj. My Dad and most of the men from our hall worked "expediting", so we always knew where the coolest things were. But in the last couple of decades, it seems like anything that could create bonding, good memories has been done away with regarding assemblies.
I think, looking back, that MY pleasant upbringing around the JW's had to do with my parents and a loving Grandmother, who talked about the loving qualities of Jehovah God. Because I do know plenty of my JW peers that had fanatical, unbalanced parents who, when the Society said jump, turned off their common sense and compassion, and leaped to the moon. I think I would have had a great childhood, no matter what religion we were, because of who my parents were.