I went to the Dogder Stadium in '69 when I was 11. It was one of the best memories I have of an assembly, though now I don't know how we endured sitting in the sun partly covered by umbrellas. The snow cones, fresh squeezed orange juice, HUGE tents for meals, colors of snacks and soda stand out. My dad would go early to help and save seats for all our extended family, My grandma would bring 3 or 4 pair of binoculars and they would get passed around all the cousins. We had a large house with a pool and we had "roomers" and distant family staying with us, so the kids all slept on the floor in the living room. It was like a giant pool and slumber party every night. Little by little, as the years went by, the "Society" mainstreamed any joy or sense of commraderie and spontaneity out of all of the assemblies.
JoinedPosts by formyboys
How many remember the 1969 8 day convention?
by seek2find inanybody remember the 8 day 1969 international convention.
i was at the braves stadium in atlanta all 8 days with a sunburn and then wet clothes after the rain storms.
if you were there (not necessarily in atlanta) do you remember anything about it?
What state are you from?
by Junction-Guy inthis is for the us crowd, what state do you live in?
or from?----i live in tennessee, but from ohio and kentucky.
Currently in Utah, Born & raised in Southern California
JWs are gossip mongers
by unbrainwashed inonce i left the jw social scene and started hanging out with "worldly" people a lot more, i realized that these "worldly" people don't gossip nearly as much as the witnesses.. i didn't realize it at the time but now i can see how much of a gossip-based social structure it all was.
jws absolutely thrive on gossip.
has anyone else noticed this?
JWs absolutely THRIVE on gossip. Has anyone else noticed this?
I always was suprised has malicious and vicious the gossip was. They seldom gossiped about positive things. My mom never had a lot of female friends at the hall, because she would always interrupt them with comments about how unbiblical gossiping was. I do think most other social groups gossip a lot too. It is just that the JW's try to point out how they are better (more righteous) than worldly groups..
my story
by jaberwalkie inthis is a difficult thing for me to do, i used to be a jehovahs witness 20 years service as a pioneer.. last thursday it was announced from the platform at my local kingdom hall that i was disfellowshiped.. it was a bit of a shock.
i still have a deep sence of anger at what happened to me and its so unfair.. it started 3 years ago when i began to feel ill and i missed a couple of meetings.
the elders were wonderful and came round and cheered me up.
WELCOME!!! It seems that a vast majority of people here have experienced a decided "Lack of Love" from their congregations and/or elders. You'll find that this forum is chalk full of empathy and compassion. Hopefully you have family that will stick by you. But don't be afraid to seek professional mental health help. They can quite often put you back on track.
Brooke Autumn Ehlert is on JWD!(not hiding anymore).....attempt #2...lol
by whyamihere infor those who are in my old congregation "lurking" for me here i am ......i have gotten word through the "almighty jw gossip grapevine" someone is spying on me.. brooke autumn ehlert!.
i had a full thread about this but i used names, dates, and personal info - which unknowingly to me some rules i must have forgotten to follow .. if you would like the full thread pm me your e-mail,(not sending through jwd pm) and i will send it to you.
even the lurkers are welcome to read what i have to say!.
Brooke, I read your post before it got "adjusted". Most well written RANTING AND RAVING I've ever read.
Glad Stealth453 is here? Do you agree, lose the diaper? Vote. YES or NO.
by Wasanelder Once inok, this is for fun.
how many are glad stealth is still here?
i vote yes.. how many vote lose the diaper?
I absolutely HATE it! BUT, he should not change it unless that is what HE wants to do. It doesn't actually hurt anyone (it kind of makes me cringe ) but aren't we all past the point where we want someone making us conform to things just because. Been there, done that. KEEP IT!
ged it to something more main stream.Important notice about my avitar
by Stealth453 inseveral of you have expressed distress at the thought of my avitar.
i thought it was funny.
i apologize if any of you were offended by it.
I really like the new one. And I was not offended by the old one, just horribly grossed out. To each their own. But I really like the new one. I don't even have an avatar. At least you had to guts and follow through to put one up in the first place. Did I mention that I really like the new one?
The Next Top Apostate!
by Swan inmouthy is one of the coolest people on this board.
she has also been out of the jws far longer than most of us.. but with mouthy leaving, who will be our next top apostate?
duties: keep the seat warm until mouthy comes back.
Stealth can't be top unless he changes his avatar. LOL
Seriously, though, it is a very disturbing image.
How can I put a lid on this instant RAGE?
by sass_my_frass inugh, okay, here's the story: i've been doing quite well, but today i heard about a good jw friend who now shuns me.
at first it sounded like he was feeling remorseful and wanted to get in touch again.
*buzzz* wrong!
lovesdubs said "its like being angry at a retarded child."
LT said "Simply Let It GO"
Both are so right! Your family will eventually come around, or not. Try not to let the Society's brainwashing posion the good things you have going in your life NOW.
In the spirit of match-making, who do you have a crush on?
by MsMcDucket ineh heh?
i know this is either going to be one of those topics where people consider it a popularity contest or something....i'm just being an imp and seeing if anyone will be forward enough to tell about the person that they would like to date.. me, i'm married so that leaves me out!
but i have seen a lot of beefcakes on here!
Little Toe, Jstalin, Mavie,
and did I mention Little Toe