JoinedPosts by mandivided
Did feel that you were at a mental breaking point at the point of leaving?
by jambon1 inprior to you leaving the org did you come to the conclusion that if you didnt actually take the step and leave, that you would run into serious mental difficulty.. i really feel that for 5 years proir to my finally leaving i was quite impaired mentally by the teachings and practices of the org.
it was coming to a head though when i finally announced that i was leaving.
i really felt that i was under intense mental pressure and that if i didnt get out then i may end up doing something serious.
My Life in The Organization
by sexyk inhey what's up everyone?
hope everything is going alright.
im not doing too bad, just relaxing and doing alot of thinking.
Dude, your story is like hearing mine all over again. I'm 22, been out a little over a year. It's tough, I know...believe me I know. However, there are glimmers of hope every once in a while that make you realize it's all worth it. You're playing it smart not getting df'ed. If I could do it over again, I'd play my cards right and do a good fade so I could still have a quasi-relationship with my family. Listen if you ever wanna talk, pm me and I'll give you my number. Or hell, if you ever wanna chill for a while in sunny Orange County, lemme know.
Here's an idea....
by LemzaLady ingreetings, people who know nothing about jws.
i have a question.
are you blogging this site because you are bored or want to feel special, because it certainly cannot be for anything positive you might have to share with others.. i have been associated with jws for 30+ years.
My sister moved to Dallas, Georgia. Probably about 2 years ago. See I wouldn't know exactly because my family has shunned me. Yes shunned me. Not a watchtower approved word but it is what they're doing, nontheless. So if you happen to get over your "bouts of the flesh" and re connect with your spiritual paradise, tell the Weinert family I said Hi. They might remember me, their little brother. Oh, and give my sister's newest son, whom I haven't laid eyes on, and probably never will, a kiss for me. Tell him Uncle Joey loves him. Hope he has fun petting tigers in the new system without me. On the other hand.....maybe I do have it all wrong....oh Jehovah!!, please shelter me from my wicked couse. Nah, just kidding.
Agape my lost sister,
Joe ( the lost sheep from the tribe of Jeehoover)
Remember the assembly hall at Grantville, Pennsylvania?
by WingCommander inwhen i was a child in the early 80's, i remember about twice a year being packed up into the family jdub-mobile and taking about an hour trip up to the grantville, pa assembly hall.
i think it was built in the late 60's, or early 70's.
back in the 80's, circuit assemblies lasted like 4 days.
Wow!!! Does that bring back the memories.......I went there from the time I was born until I was 21. Remember the old orange and brown theme before they rennovated? Or how about the little toy frog that was in the baptismal pool that had the water fall? I remember having to get up early and drive down 81 ( I was from the Scranton area) and it was ALWAYS foggy for some reason. I was baptized there too actually when I was 16 or 17.
What planted the seed of doubt that lead you to leave or think of leaving?
by NanaR ini've been thinking of this a lot lately.
the following experience ties my first doubt in with my present life.
as a backdrop to this, you should know that i was a 5th generation "raised in the truth" jw through my mother (her great-grandfather got "the truth" from pastor russell).
You know, it's interesting. I've thought about this alot. When did I go from EB (elder-boy...a name cruelly given to me by my dubby
peers) to
what I am today? I think my first real doubts where when I realized that my father had left. He opened all the doors to my later exit, even
though he wasn't around. Then when I had a very close friend (who I had studied with and brought into the org along with her husband) fall sick
eventually die from luekemia, while her non-witness family threatened my life for "brainwashing" thier daughter into not taking blood. She
eventually did take blood and was DA'd along with her husband (my best friend). Long story short, she died without any of her witness
"friends". At 20 or 21, that was a real reailty dose, and I realized what these policies meant. After that it was only a matter of time......
P.S. And who doesn't remember sitting thru some deep spiritual meat i.e. dub-interpreted prophesy in Daniel or Revelation or whatever and
hearing some ridiculous minutia that occoured 2000 or 150 years ago being applied to like the king of Spain, and thinking WTF????!!!!!!
Find Serendipity and Lola a man...or two
by lola28 inyes that's right serendipity and myslef are both on the market, any takers?.
i don't know what serendipity likes but umm, i'm going to take a guess, applicants must be:.
*oooo and above all he must have all his teeth, elders and ms need not apply.
I'm in Orange County. You?
Find Serendipity and Lola a man...or two
by lola28 inyes that's right serendipity and myslef are both on the market, any takers?.
i don't know what serendipity likes but umm, i'm going to take a guess, applicants must be:.
*oooo and above all he must have all his teeth, elders and ms need not apply.
Hey Guys...
New to to make some new friends.
How Many Here Have Ever Been Before A Judicial Committee???
by minimus ini've been on plenty of jcs but i never was the target of the elders, judicially.....although i would be now.
Twice....Once for drunkenness when I was 17 (I had been drunk a grand total of 3 times over 3 years) in which they told me I might have a"drinking problem". Acutally once it was at a JW friends wedding, I was 17 and totally wasted, dancing with the elder's wives....and they didn't
have a clue! Got a Public Reproof for that one. And then a year ago for partying and smoking weed after I stopped going for a long time. Got
the axe for that one.......thanks boys! Best thing that could have happened to me!!!!!!!
What have you "fixed" recently?
by JH in.
i think i fixed my computer..... it was always turning off for no reason.
i opened it up and cleaned the fan, and the computer goes well now....lets hope it will last.. other than that, i don't fix many things.. .
I just fixed the clutch slave cylinder on my car. Shifts great more grinding gears!
Lunch with Confession and Aude Sapere in LA
by LDH inhi guys,.
just wanted to let you know i met apostates # 2 & 3 in la last week for lunch.. (#1 was zanex here in fresno four years ago).
i haven't met a whole lot of us, as you can see.
Wow, we're all neighbors! I'm in the Costa Mesa/Newport area