Well, seriously...yes, a major life event triggered my leaving.
My take on this is that for me at least, the only way I could have "woke up and smelled the coffee" to borrow a phrase was to have things happen in my life (outside of my direct control) that allowed me to see deeper into that life than I'd ever looked....ever.
I think others here are expressing/have had the same experience.
Getting one's brain un-clogged from years and years of subtle "conditioning" that is in reality "brain-washing" is not easily accomplished or even started (again, my experience). I was a true, true, dyed-in-the-wool, bought-the-whole-program-hook-line-and-sinker, faithful, dedicated, devoted, zealous Witness since my early youth.
Today I'm very glad that I sort of got "knocked about", and woke up to REALITY.
I admire the many who post here, who saw REALITY sort of "on their own", or who just went along with things (knowing and seeing various problems) so you could continue to speak with relatives, etc., I just feel strongly that *I* would never have "seen the light" were it not for the afore-mentioned (but not specifically detailed to you) "major life event....