I do believe this sister's name and home phone number are due to be advertised in a porno magazine
Fliers left on the windshields of cars at the KH would probably er, get a quicker "Reaction"......LOL....
just to give you a bit of background: i was diagnosed with uterine cancer a couple of years ago and had to have a hysterectomy.
naturally i got more support from all my worldly friends and co-workers than what i did from people at the hall, but am used to that by now.
anyway, a few days ago, someone from the hall told me that sister x (one of the elders wives who is a nosey, back-stabbing bitch) had been saying things about me like "she shouldn't have had a hysterectomy because that's showing disrespect for the reproductive organs that jehovah gave us" and that i apparently was "lacking in faith" by not "leaving it in jehovah's hand" and didn't i read that article in the botchtower or asleep!
I do believe this sister's name and home phone number are due to be advertised in a porno magazine
Fliers left on the windshields of cars at the KH would probably er, get a quicker "Reaction"......LOL....
i didn't know if any of you read this, but i wonder what the hell he's up to?
Aren't all of the articles on that website of a similar thrust, exposing various Watchtower teachings?
Am I missing your point?
were they any pre- or post-1975 boe letters with specific instructions about 1975?
or how to deal with dissapointed ones etc.
thanx, izzy
I don't recall any BOE letters on this subject, and in all the reading I've done over the years since, haven't heard of any either.
I'm guessing you're familiar with what Ray Franz wrote in "Crisis of Conscience" about the false hopes set out for 1975, and the long, long, time the Society took to mention it publicly (first a brief remark in a District Convention talk, then the same wording in a Watchtower article). Franz's book lists a number of statements in the publications about 1975, but you probably know that.
I do recall from personal experience that the talks given by Circuit Overseers at the local congregations really pushed on 1975, but none of these were "published" of course.
Hope this helps.
just to give you a bit of background: i was diagnosed with uterine cancer a couple of years ago and had to have a hysterectomy.
naturally i got more support from all my worldly friends and co-workers than what i did from people at the hall, but am used to that by now.
anyway, a few days ago, someone from the hall told me that sister x (one of the elders wives who is a nosey, back-stabbing bitch) had been saying things about me like "she shouldn't have had a hysterectomy because that's showing disrespect for the reproductive organs that jehovah gave us" and that i apparently was "lacking in faith" by not "leaving it in jehovah's hand" and didn't i read that article in the botchtower or asleep!
My heart goes out to you, first for your medical problems, and then having to experience such ignorant, hurtful, slanderous talk. I agree, you did the right thing to go to the source. Bravo for you for standing up for yourself!!
What this Witness displayed, to me is really much the same as what the "organization" does.....trying to micro-manage people's lives, often without fully considering the facts. Sadly, so many Witnesses are so blind as to how they inject their own personal views and likes/dislikes into what they say about others.....SHEEEEEESH!
After hearing from you what had been said, did the "elder" put his wife in her place? Just wondering, as I would think it fits the Witness's definition of slander, a serious offense.
my company recently(less than a year ago) replaced all our computers with dell and it has been nothing but a nightmare!.
within 3 months 2 of them had to have their motherboards replaced.thats just the tip of the iceberg.i can't even begin to tell you the numerous "little" problems we have will spend hours on the phone with snotty sarcastic tech support agents ...if you can first figure out how to get to them.. check out this link if you don't believe me..
rumor has it that they are going bankrupt..
Dell Computer's financial situation is just fine, IMHO.
I've run Dell's in my business (and at home) for years with literally no problems whatsoever. (Haven't been as happy with IBM, Zeos, Gateway).
Not much comfort for you, though RubyT. to hear that the rest of us are happy as clams...
i have heard of a couple cases in the last year where this happened, and i wonder if its happened to anyone else.. one of my acquaintances from another list moved from portland back to his homestate of maine.
he moved to a small town near the town where he was associated, but had not been associated for over 12 years.
the elders tracked him down after all that time and said they wanted to have a committee meeting so that they could disfellowship him.
Right on! Way to go. I admire that.
Personally, don't have the energy right now for such "in your face" stuff, but I think it's cool.
---Dan of the Keep A Low Profile Class
hi guys!
this is my first posting and my question is:
does anyone remember the movie (i believe the name was) "heritage" the borg presented on tv around 68-71?
RE: How did the Society show it locally?
They just had the local congregation approach the local TV stations to show it as a "public service" type thing....
At least that's the way I recall it
i'm really interested to see what happens next after the watchtower society collectively tires of issuing threats.
") or bragging about how wonderful they are.
Well, they could always "Declare Victory" and move on to the next prophetic date (2034)? LOL.
Been re-reading Crisis of Conscience lately, your remarks made me think of the all the times they've had to cover-up missed dates, changes, etc. Seems like they always handle it in a way that most of the "flock" doesn't see as a problem.
This was all before the Internet, however. I wish I had more of a "connection" these days into the local congregations, just wondering the degree to which the "rank and file" are aware of the numbers of us who have left and who aren't looking back........
governing body welcomes new members .
friday, may 17, 2:34pm et.
brooklyn heights, ny (ap) - the governing body of the christian congregation of jehovah's witnesses (formerly the watchtower bible and tract society of new york) named four new members to their ranks yesterday according to a press release.
I missed this one first time around.
Very good, S
i was last saturday at the verizon store, getting my cell phone fixed.
i am standing in line and waitin for the next salesperson to help me.
out of the corner of my eye is this guy standing, shaking his head at me.
What Nathan said.