I sometimes dream about going from door to door. Huge blocks with long driveways. I'm working with the PO or CO. And the people behind the doors are people in my life now.
What a nightmare!
<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial; font-size: 20px; color: #990000; } .style2 { font-family: arial; font-size: 16px; color: #990000; } .style3 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style4 {font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; font-style: italic; } --> do vietnam watchtower flashbacks still haunt you?occasionally, there are times in which i get up from a sound sleep.
tearful because of my vietnam watchtower flashbacks of being.
one of jehovahs witnesses.. sad to say, these dreams come back to haunt me in a negative way.. do you ever dream of still being stuck in the organization?are there times in which you find yourself back in the kingdom.
I sometimes dream about going from door to door. Huge blocks with long driveways. I'm working with the PO or CO. And the people behind the doors are people in my life now.
What a nightmare!
it's been about a year since i joined this board.
the progress i've made since then has been nothing short of amazing.
i confronted the doubts i've had head on and discovered i'm not made of glass.
Mavie, that's really good to hear. I remember reading your first posts (I had only recently joined myself).
You are an inspiration to others.
i know the society tells people not to listen to rock n roll cause its from teh satan, not to watch r rated movies because they're "worldly", etc.
but i was wondering if folks had any specific instances where one song, one show, one movie, or whatever was singled out as being particularly 'evil', and banned on an individual basis?
i was never a jw, but was in the worldwide church of god...the two are rather similar, i've seen many (and made quite a few myself) comparisons on the board; and i can remember as a child that every once in a while certain things would get brought up as being more evil and worldly than others.. examples of specific bans:.
I still have not watched ET or Wizard of Oz all the way through as they were banned for being demonic in our household!
Crumpet, ET is a great movie. You should watch it all the way through sometime.
i know the society tells people not to listen to rock n roll cause its from teh satan, not to watch r rated movies because they're "worldly", etc.
but i was wondering if folks had any specific instances where one song, one show, one movie, or whatever was singled out as being particularly 'evil', and banned on an individual basis?
i was never a jw, but was in the worldwide church of god...the two are rather similar, i've seen many (and made quite a few myself) comparisons on the board; and i can remember as a child that every once in a while certain things would get brought up as being more evil and worldly than others.. examples of specific bans:.
I remember a CO saying anyone who went to a U2 concert was not "in the truth."
Probably not Australia, following their recent slump in form. Do you think South Africa stands a chance?
ok i have listed all the intresting and thought provoking things.
hear they are from a to z.
<----------- yep nothing.. .
The only thing of note no one is to talk to inactive ones exept to invite them to the hall. That includes and was stressed family as well.
I'd be interested to know whether others have heard this or whether this was a one off talk by some self-righteous idiot who got carried away.
I had a conversation recently with some JW family members about shunning ex-JWs when they are not DS'd or DA'd. I was told that if someone is living a lifestyle showing they are no longer a JW, they will be regarding as "no longer a JW" and treated accordingly. There is no such thing as disfellowshipping or disassociating oneself now. It's all whether or not you are still a JW.
This means as soon as you celebrate a birthday, have a xmas decoration or have sex with someone you are not married to, the family will shun you (if they know about it obviously).
However, the comment above goes one step further - not talking to inactive ones. Maybe this is a logical progression. Anyone not going in FS cannot really claim to be a JW.
Dear Crumpet
I worked with a bunch of men who were arrogant, domineering and selfish and they were all having multiple affairs. Yes, I hated men too. But I had 3 brothers, they were all adorable, so I knew there were at least 3 exceptions to the rule.
Take heart in the fact that there are many good men out there. On another day, Crumpet, you will meet one of the good ones.
well here it is folks!!!
the wts new "light" on the subject.
read it & weep.
Welcome to JWD, whereami. This is a very fast-moving forum and yes, someone else has already started a thread on this topic. I think you'll find the comments interesting.
watch out for the questions from readers in the may 1st 2007 watchtower.
"when does the calling of christians to a heavenly hope cease?
" it's a good'un.. included are the statements:.
This Big Change will go over the heads of “The Meeting goers” completely.
I agree. I had a discussion with JW relatives recently about 1935 and they couldn't remember what JWs teach about 1935, let alone follow my reasoning. So now they'll think it's food at the proper time.
i think most of you already know what i have been planning.
i have mentioned it somewhat already.
i have sent bits of pieces of my story to several christian ministries, and they want to know more.
there really isnt much hope of mending our marriage
I'm sorry about that Junction-Guy. I think your plan of getting into therapy is a good one and I wish you success with that.