I don't think lib'ruls have an equivalent to Mann.
Mann Coulter. That's funny, I like that.
what are your thoughts about her?
there has been some controversy about her lately.
anyone read her book the godless?.
I don't think lib'ruls have an equivalent to Mann.
Mann Coulter. That's funny, I like that.
all to often, my mind drifts to my mixed feelings for my mother.
the deep love that burned in my heart for the woman who had given me life.. the suicidal remorse i felt for bringing such guilt and reproach on her good name.. the blinding anger i felt for her never questioning her beliefs, but always questioning her son.. and so i'm left with a vacuous emotional chamber for a large element that is missing from my soul.. and when you've lost your most valuable possesion, everything else is gravy on an empty plate - pointless.. and so i hurt too, and i love my mom, but does she love me?
the unanswered question haunts my mind.. we recieve, we give, and sometimes, we just plain screw up.
I'm sure your mom still loves you. How could a mother not love her own flesh and blood? I've never read any of your previous posts, so I don't know exactly what happened between you and your mom. I know from personal experience that when people are hurting or scared, they act out and do some irrational things. I know of parents who were deeply angry, hurt, or disappointed in the actions of their children, but they still loved them the same.
If you are in a lot of pain, go ahead and open up and share it with us. We certainly won't judge you for it. Many of us on this board (myself included) have desparately needed support from others at certain times. There are certainly many on this board who care.
Take some time out and think about your good qualities. This is something that many of us fail to do from time to time. Just remember that no matter how hard or painful things are right now; they are never permanent.
Take care, and I wish you the best, friend.
my relatives that are still witnesses, always hate it when i say one thing to them, more then any others ... .
"are you going to church tonight?
"were you at church?".
I used to get so irritated when I would be out in service and I would be walking up to a person who was in there front yard; and they would say: "Are you with the Watchtower?" I got so sick of that. So I think a funny thing to say to a Witness is:
Refer to a JW as a Watchtower's Witness
Refer to the field service as Sticking Tracts Under Door Mats
Refer to the Memorial as emblem hot-potato
Refer to Circuit and District Overseers as Middle Management
Refer to the New World Translation as the New Watchtower Translation
Refer to Brooklyn Bethel as Brooklyn Brothel
what are your thoughts about her?
there has been some controversy about her lately.
anyone read her book the godless?.
I think she's pretty attractive, but I don't care for her personality. I have seen her interviewed on FOX News several times. It's obvious that she's a very intelligent woman, but I think she seems rather mean spirited.
i think some people actually use part of their real name.
i chose mine because i really feel 'in between', in that space where your not a jw anymore but really haven't figured out where you are in life and what path you want to take.
just thought it would be an interesting topic.
I really didn't give mine much thought. When I signed up, I never thought that I would stay on this site, so I just typed in the first name that popped into my head. Later on, I decided I wanted to insert an avatar like everybody else. Because of my alias name, the first idea that came to me was to insert a picture of Dudley Moore.
the watchtower society is notorious for discouraging the brethren from performing acts of kindness and charity towards people of the world, claiming in their literature it is a waste of time or worse the funds may be absconded.
(see awake of this year "what is happening to charity?
today was 109 degrees in our town.
Once a month, I used to go into a adolescent hospital for kids who have been diagnosed with psychiatric and substance abuse issues. Along with a couple of others, I would speak to a group of about 20 kids (ages 13 to 17) about recovery from substance abuse. I no longer go to that hospital, but now I go to a dentention center for people who have just been paroled and I speak to them on similar topics. It has been very interesting work to say the least.
my jw friend recently condemned birthdays using two scriptures that spoke of evil men killing people on their birthdays.
seems to me that the men were evil, not the birthdays.
today is my birthday.
Rutherford was said to be drunk on many occasions, but as he was the president of the Watchtower corporation, people looked the other way and covered up for him.
Who else but a drunk; would build a mansion in San Diego to house Moses?
just looking at the wt cd and typed in the name of this years convention - deliverance at hand and was amused that the only two times this phrase was used was in the awake of april 1975 and april 1976. it was used to promote (what else!
) a new book chock full of 'light' (some new, some old).
so, only 30 short years ago deliverance was at hand!.
This is an interesting topic that you brought up. This is something that I have been thinking a lot about lately. To me, it looks like history might be repeating itself again.
All of the evidence surely pointed to 1975 as the end of this system. When the 1975 date started to be promoted, the U.S. was bogged down in Vietnam, there was all of the civil unrest in the U.S. (riots), the assasinations of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy, there was the Arab-Israeli war. Then, the early 1970s saw the terrorist attack at the Munich Olympics, Watergate, Nixon's resignation, the continuation of the Arab-Isreali conflict, and an attempted assasination of President Gerald Ford.
Surely, it looked at though holy spirit had directed the Faithful Slave to release that new book: Man's Salvation Out of World Distress At Hand. Who would have thought that this system of things would go on for at least another 30 years?
Just a casual reading of Matthew chapter 24 should make most Witnesses realize that turmoil in the world, and speculation by the Watchtower Society is irrelevant when compared to scripture:
"You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come" - Matthew 24:6
"So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him." - Matthew 24:44
my jw friend recently condemned birthdays using two scriptures that spoke of evil men killing people on their birthdays.
seems to me that the men were evil, not the birthdays.
today is my birthday.
Jehovah's Witnesses also point to some ancient cultures that celebrated a child's birth as part of pagan religious customs. Some cultures (I believe the ancient Celtics, but I could be wrong) presented babies with gifts as superstitous acts to ward off evil spirits who wanted to harm the child. This does however present some confusion because the accounts of Job describe him as celebrating his own birthday. There were also some ancient cultures who wore wedding rings as part of pagan religious custom, but JWs do not see anything wrong with wearing them.
As far as alcohol is concerned, the JW faith is not as monolithic as you might think. I have known of a few members who claim that Christians should abstain from alcohol entirely; but they are in the minority. There are both teetotalers, and there are those who are quite liberal with alcohol. The JWs are routinely warned about overindulgence through talks and Watchtower articles.
The prevailing view of the Witnesses is what you already pointed out. The Apostle Paul talked about the moderate use of alcohol and the Old Testament speaks of servants enjoying wine. Drunkeness is however condemned in the Bible, and is not acceptable in the JW faith. (Although the accounts of Lot and Noah getting drunk is perplexing isn't it?) If the congregation elders knew that your friends were getting drunk, disciplinary actions would surely be taken. I have known several individuals who were publicly reproved and even disfellowshipped for repeated drunkeness.
i recently stumbled upon a really great website.
it is a gallery of the worst album covers ever made.
some of them are really bizarre.
Hey Leolaia,
Those were some pretty goods ones you posted. That lady with the puppet is beyond creepy.