Very nice; great work as always. These threads do make me laugh though. It seems like every time you post one of these chronology threads, either scholar or thirdwitness suddenly come out of hibernation and start bitching about it; demanding that you change the chart. Your threads are like smelling salts for the Watchtower apologists.
Posts by Arthur
The "Seventy Years" explained
by Doug Mason inhere is a picture-based explanation of the "seventy years" prophesied by jeremiah..
please note that there are several pages and that you should set your pdf reader to full page.. as i said before, i have a red-green color vision deficiency, but this time i have taken the plunge and used color.
please tell me where i need to make corrections with the colors.. as always, i appreciate your suggestions for improvements, corrections and additions.. doug.
Becoming officially recognized as Annointed
by B_Deserter ini've heard there is a very secretive process the wts uses to determine whether or not they'll consider someone "of the annointed.
" from what i've heard it's a very rigorous set of questions.
can anyone here confirm this?
Last night, What-A-Coicidence and I had dinner together. We were both swapping Bethel stories, and he told me that when he was there, he knew of a Bethelite in his 20's who began partaking after ariving at Bethel. I guess a whole lot of the 144,000 have fallen away, and Jehovah is scrambling to find replacements.
I think it would be a hoot if Prince started partaking. You know he would be the best dressed one of the 24 Elders in heaven.
Curious-Anyone know if Charles Sinutko/Phil Hayworth are still in ......?
by fedorE ini used to collect audio tape talks and came to actually idolize ppl like sinutko....when he spoke it sounded like it was coming from heaven...he gave a talk on 1975 where he said, " i dont think the society has ever told you u couldnt read literature critical of the society...." wonder if he ever left or phil hayworth from australia, amazing speaker who's gave a talk on the last days of jesus and made it really personal...anyone know if this guy ever left?
I know Charles Sinutko is still active. He serves in a congregation somewhere out in the desert here in Southern California. I believe he lives near Palm Springs.
If you recall, it was Sinutko who used the "Stay Alive Til 75" sloganeering in his convention talks back in the 1970's. Maybe his great grandson can recycle that slogan and use it in convention talks when we approach the year 2075.
by Sam87 inits been ages since ive been back on here, ive just been so busy with life, lol.
have any of you heard of this site?
apparently its like a myspace for jws only.
What a boring website. What on earth is there to discuss in a forum of faithful Watchtower Witnesses? It's not like anyone would be allowed to question doctrines or say anything that might be considered "independent thinking". What could be said?
"Hi Ted, hows the weather there in Peoria - LOL"
"Oh, it's nice. When's your convention?"
"Next month, on the 14th. Say, did you see that plane crash in Brazil?"
"Yeah I did - it was terrible. I tell you, this system of things is coming to an end soon."
Greg Stafford Update
by thepackage inword is greg s. has a new book comin out, do you know anything about it?
Word is Greg S. has a new book comin out, do you know anything about it?
Maybe the title will be "Confessions of a Disfellowshipped Quasi-Watchtower Apologist-Critic".
Revelation 7:13
by Sarah Smiles intherefore the great multitude could not appear prior to 1918. riches pg 297, paragraph 2.. the identification of the great multitude has not heretofore been clear to those creatures on earth who served god.
evidently john, being in doubt, propounded the question as to the identity of the great multitude.
had he known, he would not had asked the question.
How many times did Jesus cleanse the temple?
He's still working on it. There are still many of Fred Franz's old books and catheters laying around that need to be disposed of.
When did Jesus say the multitude appeared?
They never really "appeared" per se. They have always been "there" but have become more visible due to the increasing of light as the day is firmly established.
The fact that one of the elders could answer Johns questions suggest what?.
It suggests that the elder had access the the WT CD-ROM.
How did the John class learn the identity of the great crowd?
When they didn't get taken away to heaven in 1914, 1918, or 1925; an earthly class became a necessity.
Does anyone know what the WTBTS says about speaking in tongues?
The most important thing you need to know about the WTBTS and tongues is that the tongue is never to be used in marital relations.
Can people communicate with the Dead to gain divine light?
Johannes Greber would say yes. J.F. Rutheford would say yes. The palm reader down the street would say yes. So, I guess the answer is yes.
Prior to 1932 did Jesus see the great multitude or not?
He was busy inspecting all of the churches to see who the Faithful and Discreet Slave was. This took a long time, because he had to first understand just what the heck the Studies In The Scriptures were actually saying.
If you understand the answers I just provided, then you now qualify for water immersion.
Need some info
by TweetieBird ini haven't been to a meeting in a couple of years but getting ready to visit witness relatives and will have to go to meetings.
can someone fill me in on what they are studying at the book study and anything else that might be new or different the past 2 years?
They are currently studying the Revelation Climax book; although a revised version. They recently had to print revised sentences and paragraphs in a KM insert to "update" portions of the book. If you see people with books that have scotch tape all over them, don't be alarmed. It's just a sign that "new light" has been bestowed upon the great multitude, and that Jehovah's chariot-like organization is on the move!
By the way, be sure to digest the fine spiritual banquet that is set out before you. And . . . . have fun.
Is the Watch Tower name going away?
by garybuss inis the watch tower name going away?
i'm seeing more use of the "jehovah's witnesses" name where the watch tower name once was such as the sponsors of the summer conventions.
is this new, or am i just noticing it?
OnTheWayOut summed it up well: not only is there an intended separation of entities, but also an intended separation of perceptions. Many outside of the organization do indeed think of the organization in terms of the Watchtower coporation. Many have come to see the organization (albeit correctly) as a huge printing conglomerate. The organization wants to be known as a Christian congregation; not a publishing organization. Whatever. This is like Starbucks having a CD rack in their store, and then wanting people to think of them as a music store.
Watch Tower using third party vendor for donation collection
by garybuss inwatch tower using third party vendor for donation collection.
5. credit/debit card details.
lawrence wrote:
Soon this beast organization will recommend payroll deduction donations. "It will come right out of your check, and will be credited to the WTS earlier.
The friends have already been doing this for years - although at the congregation level. I was the accounts servant about ten years ago, and we had one brother who was paying donations straight into the congregation's checking account through automatic payroll deductions. He has stipulated a certain amount to be allocated to the congregation fund, and the rest to go to the World Wide Work. With this new debit card arrangement that garybuss wrote about, I bet this kind of arrangement will be soon implemented at the headquarter / branch level.
So who is this "Jaracz" person?
by B_Deserter ini saw his name pop up a few places around here.
whats the deal?
Are you a prospective employer performing a background check? Ted Jaracz is applying for a job at Ben & Jerry's isn't he? I bet he has offered to use his hands to keep the ice cream cold instead of them spending money on freezer coils.