Well, to tell you the truth praiseband, I found the obsession with dates to be rather odd even when I was a Witness. It's odd because many JWs seem to put more esteem into knowing many facts, figures, and Bible trivia than they do into becomming a truly spiritual person (kind, compassionate, loving, generous)
I can tell you from personal experience that many JWs (if not most) would be offended if a Witness was spending time volunteering at homeless shelters, orphanages, or organizations like the Red Cross. A person could not have a compassionate bone in their body, but as long as they can spit out all kinds of dates, years of reins, birth years, facts on lineage, and other trivia, they are considered a "spiritual person". I have gotten to know many other religious people of various faiths, and none of them seem to hold this biazarre obsession with dates. I'm sure they're out there, but I haven't seen too many.