Trying to figure this stuff out is like trying to figure out women's emotions (haha)
Posts by Arthur
I'm hooked on...
by mrsjones5 insudoku!
i admit it i'm a sudoku junkie.
it all started on a plane ride from california.
Is the WTS stopping Scripture classes globally, or just Australia?
by jwfacts inmy daughters scripture teacher recently told the scripture class that in nsw, australia there will be no more scripture classes.
the reason was that it was too hard to find teachers.
a couple of weeks later a letter was read in the congregations to that affect, and saying that it is a parents responsibility to spiritually raise a child.
I have never heard of such classes here in the U.S. Where were these classes held at in Australia? Public schools, or the Kingdom Halls? The closest thing to this that I have been aware of were a couple of private schools that had been incorporated for JW children - but were totally funded privately.
I know that not too long ago here in the U.S., there was a lot of fury over a number of people in Congress attempting to provide school vouchers for private Christian schools. Here in the U.S. there is very low tolerance for the federal or state governments' attempts to provide the slightest endorsement or funding for anything even remotely religious.
# 5 of resolution at DC
by moomanchu inwe utterly refuse to become involved with futile interfaith movements .
as well as social programs and schemes ( nonfutile ones are ok?
designed to perpetuate a system that god has condemned as a failure.
Some involve working with scientology, the Mormons and the Moonies and the UN.
I know what you mean by the UN, but where did you get information about them working with Scientology, Mormons, and Moonies? Could you explain where you got this information and provide some examples?
Sometimes our reputation is the only thing we have
by Lady Lee ina few years ago i went to a apostafest in montreal.
one of the couples there was someone i knew.
her sister was someone my had a study with and brought into the "truth".
Gossiping about inactive or DFd people is a favorite pass-time for JWs. I can say this with candor, because I myself, used to do this. It somehow provided a morbid sense of self-aggrandizement. However, the tables soon were turned. I myself, went through some personal crisis in my own life, which lead to misconduct, and was publicly reproved. I soon had a deeper appriciation and compssion for those who become inactive, get DFd, and so forth. Situations are rarely what they appear to be from the outside.
I guess that going through personal "hell" in my life beat some humility into me. Now, I feel deeply ashamed for the way I judged people and gossipped about them. I feel embarrassed that I was so narrow-minded, and sanctimonious. Now, when I am around JW family that begin to "dog" on various people who are DFd or inactive, I feel extremely uncomfortable. For those brief moments, I get a snap shot into my own past behavior; and it pains me.
JW's to use Bullhorns on People that don't Answer the Doors
by purplesofa intv
tv news
weekly world news
Hold on a minute. Is this for real, or is this a joke? I cannot believe that C.O.s would allow this to happen in their circuits. They would surely say that this strips the ministry of it's dignity. Are you sure that that article is real, and not a joke? It just doesn't sound right.
# 5 of resolution at DC
by moomanchu inwe utterly refuse to become involved with futile interfaith movements .
as well as social programs and schemes ( nonfutile ones are ok?
designed to perpetuate a system that god has condemned as a failure.
We utterly refuse to become involved with futile interfaith movements
as well as social programs and schemes ( nonfutile ones are ok?)
designed to perpetuate a system that God has condemned as a failure.This line of reasoning is very irrational and even a bit infantile. Think about what they are saying. Refuse to become involved with social programs designed to perpetuate a system that God has condemned as a failure. Would this not include just about anything that is a part of this system? In line with their own reasoning; why bother investing in 401k or IRAs - which are part of this financial system? Why join exercise classes, which are a futile attempt to perpetuate lasting health - something only God's Kingdom can do?
This is a church that has absolutely no support groups, no charitable projects, and no professional counseling for people who need it. JWs have no choice but to engage in some outside programs for help. I have noticed that several JWs have had to join certain organizations and programs for such things as addiction recovery and support for depression, because the JW religion provides nothing of the sort for it's people. The GB has the twisted idea that reading Watchtowers, and going door-to-door is the cure-all for everything.
I, for one, am getting really sick and tired of these studpid resolutions that get passed. They are just rhetoric. They are childish scripts filled with cliches, platitudes, and recycled talking points.
The JW dress code.....yuck
by JH inthis morning i took a long walk and happened to walk near by a small christian church.
and i could see them come out of the building after their meeting.
they were all dressed differently, some in clean sunday clothes, some in clean jeans, but no one in a suit like the jw's do.
A new bible study being greeted at the Kingdom Hall . . . . .
will be gone for awhile.
by purplesofa in.
i cant email everyone ....dont have time.
my brother committed suicide.... have to be out of town for awhile.. purps
I am so truly sorry to hear this. My deepest sympathies are with you. We would all like to provide any emotional support that we can to you. We are here for you. I am very sorry to hear this,
With love,
Which flavor of "Christendom" did you think was most demonized? (when a JW)
by Wasanelder Once ini used to feel it was the catholic religion because of all its rituals.
then i felt it was the latter day saints with all thier "personal testimony" and "prophet" doctrines.
finally, after reading about the watchtower's history i've settled on the view that they are all equal.. how did you feel about it when you were a witnoid?.
I agree that the Catholic Church was the one that got ridiculed the most. The Evangelicals who are very patriotic, and support the Republican Party also got criticized quite a bit. I think that without a doubt, the Roman Catholic Church is definitely the Watchtower Society's favorite whipping boy.
Is a "Pure" religion an oxymoron?
by free2beme init seems that everyone i know who claims to be in the right religion, has the idea that their religion is some how more pure or perfect then all others.
whether is a christian faith as a whole, or an individual sect of christianity.
yet, no one seems to be willing to see that their religion, has, does and will do the same.
Good topic, free2beme.
This topic reminds me of a great book that I read not too long ago by a guy named Sam Harris. The title of his book is "The End of Faith - Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason". It is a great read. I don't agree with everything in the book, but I recommend it to anyone.
Here is a good quote from his book. Harris writes:
"The idea that any one of our religions represents the infallible word of the One True God requires an encyclopedic ignorance of history, mythology, and art even to be entertained - as the beliefs, rituals, and iconography of each of our religions attest to centuries of cross-pollination among them. Whatever their imagined source, the doctrines of modern religions are no more tenable than those which, for lack of adherents, were cast upon the scrap heap of mythology millenia ago."