I am finally forgetting other peoples names that were in the congergations that I went to!! But, sadly if I think real hard I remember them. Now I wish I just didn't have to see them all around town in their little car groups.
JoinedPosts by beautifulisfree
Ever realize you're forgetting and like it?
by Mysterious init just struck me today how much jw behavior i have forgotten as opposed to the parts that are irritatingly hard to stamp out.
i realized how often i toast, buy meat without checking the label, swear when i drop something, research anything i want on the internet, go to metal concerts, etc.
i think sometimes we don't think of how far we have come but only dwell on how far we have to go and we shouldn't.
would it be slanderous in any way to...
by orbison11 inmake a placard,,that says .
's hide pedophiles.
and stand outside the d.a.
would it be slanderous in any way
Slander : The oral utterance or spreading of FALSEHOOD, harmful to anothers reputation. So nope. I would just see what your cities laws are on picketing and then do what you gotta do!! Have fun
What Things Were You Shocked To Find Out About, While In The Org.
by Warlock inthese are just 3 things that i was shocked to learn when i was in the org.
they may not seem like big things to some, but they are to me.. 1. speakers at the d.a.
had food catered to them.
I was shocked at the questions they ask you in a judicial commitee. Like that is any of their freakin business. And that they don't have Gods Holy Spirit...because if you lie they don't know.
Witnesses cannot refute the real "TRUTH"
by integ inno matter what any pompass ass witness says about the religion being the "truth", they cannot refute the simple fact that nothing they have ever predicted has come true.
that's a pretty poor record for gods' chosen people.
oh sure they can point to lame obvious things such as " critical times getting harder to deal with" (even that is debatable), but no hard facts to point to that show they are right, or have ever been.
Predictions what predictions? The society never made any...it was just the rank and file or new light If a prophet makes one false prophecy then doesn't that make him a false prophet?
Could You Forgive the Watchtower?
by Ms. Whip indid that question make you feel anger?
did you automatically say "no way, never?
i've been reading a little bit about what anger, resentment & bitterness does to our health.
Forgive, Yes although they do not deserve anyones forgiveness.
Forget, Nope
What will you miss?
by beautifulisfree inwe all know witnesses believe in the paradise.
they make it seem like it will be such a beautiful place free of crime, pollution, sadness,etc.
but, if there was really going to be a paradise here on earth the world as we know it would be so different.
We all know witnesses believe in the paradise. They make it seem like it will be such a beautiful place free of crime, pollution, sadness,etc. But, if there was really going to be a paradise here on earth the world as we know it would be so different. Some of our favorite things would supposedly be gone. And I don't know if witnesses ever think about that. Like transportation and toilet paper. ( to much pollution and destroying the earth) So what would you have missed the most?
Me = Cheeseburgers and steak
Revelation-Its Grand Climax at Hand!
by XBEHERE injuly km confirms that this is the next book for consideration at bookstudies starting next year.
That's interesting.... I wonder why?? Do they think 3 or 4 times isn't enough and that people are just to dumb to remember what they learned. Dang I used mine as kindling...
Wow~ click on this topic it's important!
by beautifulisfree inso the other day my family and i were surfing the net...and came upon this and other websites about the use of subliminal messages in the j.w.
books and magazines.
the web sight below is one of the better ones and creepy ones!!
Wow~ click on this topic it's important!
by beautifulisfree inso the other day my family and i were surfing the net...and came upon this and other websites about the use of subliminal messages in the j.w.
books and magazines.
the web sight below is one of the better ones and creepy ones!!
Anytime you have to manipulate the art, fold, twist, hold upside down, hold up to a mirror, stand on one leg close one eye and swing a dead cat around your head while jumping up and down in a bucket of cow shit you are way way beyond reality!
That's why they call it subliminal. It means resulting from a process of which the individual is not aware. Some of the things are not even subliminal. They are right there in plain view. In one watchtower there was a six-point hexagon in the back of the chair. As clear as day.
I want a "No Blood Card"!
by Bee inok, first off, let me make it clear that i'm no baptized jehovah's witness.
i studied for about 2 1/2 years, and was a publisher for about half the time.
i don't attend meetings, because..well.... i haven't yet summoned enough courage to ask forgiveness for my many wrong-doings.
The only way to get one is to be a "baptized" witness. They usually dont give them out to "unbaptized" publishers
Well then the answer to your question is obvious...If you don't want blood become a baptized witness. Obviously if the witnesses wanted all people to be saved from Gods vengeance they would make them available to the public. Hummm...maybe they don't give a crap about anybody?