Hey Butt-
What is the name of the couple that your brother knows from Phillips? :)
i often wonder if my old witness friends from my past are still in the 'truth' (god i hope not)?
i know this site is pretty popular amongst ex-witnesses.
and since most of us have 'fake names'...we could be talking to someone that we already know.
Hey Butt-
What is the name of the couple that your brother knows from Phillips? :)
did anyone hate that expression as much as i did?
my husband and i are separated right now, and my jw sister reminded me on the phone the other day to make sure i gave him 'his wifely due'.
that expression makes me want to barf.
Ya- that terms makes it sound like a chore or work...and who wants to 'work' if they don't have to. I think they (WTBS) calls it that just so married witness couples start to think of it as a chore.
i'm nearly 45 years old, an entirely different person than i was when i was df'd at 25 years of age.
i haven't had a phone call, no letters, no jw visits.
my parents don't call, nor my siblings.
Did you ever think what it would have been like holed up with some of your "friends" during persecution?
Warlock~ I think they would of just left you behind...and hoped that you would be resurrected. Afterall your so old. Wait, I take that back you are probably annointed!!
i often wonder if my old witness friends from my past are still in the 'truth' (god i hope not)?
i know this site is pretty popular amongst ex-witnesses.
and since most of us have 'fake names'...we could be talking to someone that we already know.
Fine I will go first~
Andy P from Pewaukee, Wi
Amanda (Mandy) H from Greenbay, Wi
i'm nearly 45 years old, an entirely different person than i was when i was df'd at 25 years of age.
i haven't had a phone call, no letters, no jw visits.
my parents don't call, nor my siblings.
They were not JUST supposed to be your friends, they were supposed to give their life for yours if it ever came to that.
Ewww don't remind me of that crap!! Sadly, I probably would of given mine.
i often wonder if my old witness friends from my past are still in the 'truth' (god i hope not)?
i know this site is pretty popular amongst ex-witnesses.
and since most of us have 'fake names'...we could be talking to someone that we already know.
I often wonder if my old witness friends from my past are still in the 'truth' (God I hope not)? I know this site is pretty popular amongst ex-witnesses. And since most of us have 'fake names'...we could be talking to someone that we already know. So I just wanted to start a thread where possibly you could be reunited with old friends.
Example: John S. from Appelton,Wi kingdomhall
And if that person was really on here you could PM eachother.
Hope this idea is a good one
i'm nearly 45 years old, an entirely different person than i was when i was df'd at 25 years of age.
i haven't had a phone call, no letters, no jw visits.
my parents don't call, nor my siblings.
Not that I want them to start on me...I just wonder why I've been left behind or forgotten about.
I hear you!! I was just talking about this with my family. The 'elders' have disfelllowshipped and demonized my mom, dad and brother. (Actually come at them with a vengence) And although I proudly consider myself an apostate...they have done nothing to me..not a letter, phonecall, invitation, etc. I want to send in a letter of DA...but I don't think they would even know who it was from...since I married at about the same time I was leaving. What A Holes....But, in a way I am glad to...but it kinda makes me mad that I obvioulsy meant nothing to these people who were supposed to be my friends.
i can't find a thread on this subject yet - if there is one , please delete this one.. the september kingdom ministry has a 4 page insert detailing the 70 alterations in the revelation climax book which is due to be studied at the book study shortly.
i'll provide scans if anyone is interested.. i will leave it up to more experienced analysts to examine the reasons for specific changes , but just a few brief observations for now:.
p32 box - "they were completely exonerated" changed to "charges against them were dropped" - interesting change of terminology for the 1918 watchtower eight.
Hey everybody...Now's the time to invest in the stocks of "WHITEOUT" . 6 million JDubs are going to be buying alot of it and they better stock up for the other upcoming 'adjustments'!!
yesterday something happened that really pissed me off.
i was walking out of a store that has two doors you have to walk through... the inner door and the outer door.
basically a small foyer.. as i'm going through the inner door i notice a woman is behind be so i go on through and hold the door for her... she went right on through without a word and then went through the outer door, pushed it open and then let it fly back into my face.
2 Tim 3:1-5 - Clearly states that this would be a sign of armegeddon!!
i'm back from sitting through three days of the most mind numbing dribble you can imagine.
the worst part was looking around and watching as the good little automatons took it all in.
the only fun i had was doing my "mission.
Man, the only reason I ever wish that I was still a witness is to do secret 'recon missions' I am SO jealous of you!!!
Beautifulisfree Of the walking around with one eye class (Hey it's my husbands suscription...Why not look at the pretty ladies. and do a little critiquing?)