JoinedTopics Started by joelbear69
Things that are really bad.
by joelbear69 inas jw's we were taught that almost everything was bad for some reason or another.
xmas, birthdays, lucky charms, watching r rated movies, not going to meetings, .
going to college, liking sports, etc.
Beating Fear
by joelbear69 inpat robertsons doom and gloom forecast for 08 (his 07 forecast that the us would be hit by a major terrorist attack was incorrect).
reminded me so much of the watchtower's constant doom messages: definitely rule by fear.
if you do this you will be destroyed, so will your kids.. if you do this you will be disfellowshipped and lose all your friends and family.. if you don't go out in service you will be marked as bad association.. and of course every natural or man made disaster meant the end was coming soon soon soon.. it takes a lot of effort to overcome the fear paralysis instilled in us by the watchtower.. and it doesn't just go away and stay away, conquering fear is not a one time event, it is instead.
The New Annointed
by joelbear69 inmy parents have been witnesses for almost 65 years and have .
been totally faithful all that time.
they have many friends their .
Hey good looking!
by joelbear69 inthere are a lot more good looking guys here .
now than when i was actively posting here .
a few years ago.
Nightmares of an exJW
by joelbear69 inhad one of my nightmares last night.
no, not about demons chasing me, those ended a long time ago.
i have a lot of dreams about people who are .
A better way to approach therapy
by joelbear69 ini recently started my 3rd round of therapy.
the first two proved unproductive in really .
helping me deal with my problems and become .
I am extremely odd
by joelbear69 ini am fascinated by things that are different from me.
what makes other people tick.
i am goofy and have a constant stream of consciousness going through my mind that when expressed verbally or in writing appears to most to be the mumblings of a mad man.
called an old friend
by joelbear69 ini called an old witness friend who pretty much ignores the df rule yesterday.
he sounded about the same as he did the last time i saw him 20 years ago.
i asked about some of my old friends.
by joelbear69 ini had another one last night.
they all center around me seeing jehovah's witnesses from the past who i cared about .
and still care about.
where did everybody go
by joelbear69 inits been years since i posted.
i've gone through a rough period.
but i've posted enough about that.. i have recovered and hope to be part of the board again.