Night owl, although there is nothing better than a honkin cup of coffee in the early morning air as the sun comes up.
Posts by snarf
Night Owl or Early Bird?
by damselfly ini can't sleep, i'm usually up until 2 (or later) every night.......then the alarm goes off at 6:30 and i'm up to start my day.
i find that i'm more alert and productive in the night time, however i am sooo tired of not being able to sleep.
so how about you, night owl or early bird?
by juni in.
we will be going out for wisconsin's famous friday fish fry.. .
I read this before I ate supper hoping to get some good ideas, but as I am now 6 months pregnant the baby won ! We had a cinamon bagle from panera bread with hazelnut cream cheese, french dip chased down with a bowl of vanilla ice cream topped with caramel sauce. YUMMY!!!!
Who do you love more?
by serendipity inmy uncle ocasionally complains about how my aunt loves her adult children more than him because she's always thinking about them, worrying about them and reaching out to them.
i think that's a surprising viewpoint because i thought that most mothers (and many fathers) love their children above all others.. do you think that's true?
should a parent love their children more than the spouse (or significant other)?
Definately the children, the love for them is unconditional. I have seen many people, including myself, recover from horrible divorces from spouses or bad breakups with their partner, but a child will always leave a lasting impression on your life, whether taken away by death or seperated from you for whatever reason.
What's the BIGGEST LIE you ever heard?
by nicolaou in.
someone i knew stood up at the convention to answer her two baptism questions both with a "yes".
she was having an affair with a married brother at the time.. but i'd top my 'biggest lie' list with four small words; "in the beginning, god"
Jehovah keeps his organization clean by making the wrong doers, in his own time of
Fluff: Ladies, what makes you crazy?
by serendipity inin the last topic i started, i asked "what makes a chick crazy":
one of the posters suggested that women talk about what drives them crazy.
so ladies, what are the annoying habits of the people closest to you that drives you loco?.
People that chew their food loudly or talk with food in their mouths, just drives me batty.
YOUR LAST MEETING.........................
by vitty my last meeting, the elder was talking about 1975 and said "it never happened, it is appostates using a time when (some) brothers took the info in the wt wrong"...................i just blinked and finally woke up.. i had been on this site lurking for a couple of weeks, and realized thing werent right, but to have some creep say on the platform " it didnt happen"............when this ruined my and my siblings childhood, just made me snap.
on the way home, i told my hubby "that was the last meeting im going to"................boy was he pleased.. .
so if you didnt get df ......................what happened at your last meeting.?.
October 2004. A talk was being given about how Jehovah keeps his organization clean. After 2 years of abusive hell from a witness family, I knew I was at a breaking point. I got up in the middle of the talk, gathered my belongings and my daughter, went home and booked a trip for the two of us to Maine for a week and never went back to the kingdom hall. I knew I would have a parade of "friends" calling and stopping by so we went off and had an amazing week of fun as far away as we could get.
Meeting your online love
by Cabin in the woods ini was just wondering if you had met someone online and had a significant long term relationship with him... would you be brave enough to meet him?
obviously not alone at first but how would you check someone out before you met them other than a google search of his name.
even some place like jwd where there is a significant level of trust .
I met my fiance online. I did criminal background checks on him, reverse phone number checks, just to get a better idea of where he lived for more in depth background checks, and I also chatted with his family and friends several times. He was in Iraq at the time so it was really easy for me to have time to research him. I met his whole family before I met him, and when it did come time for us to meet, I asked his mom and little sister to go with me. His little sister and I were instant friends , we talked online for 4 months and also hung out about 10 times, so I felt really comfy with them. It really took all the pressure off us, cause with family around nothing but talking is gonna happen and I figured if we didn't hit it off I could hang out with his sister and still have a fun mini vacation. I also made sure my family that lived in that area knew I was going there so I could meet up with them (they live 13 hours away), so I got to see my little sister and nephew as well. Thankfully we hit it off and he was who he said he was. I believe honesty is the key to online dating, as well as research. You can learn alot about a person by asking the right questions, and if you have a brief history of where someone lived you can do background checks for free by using the local court sites. Make sure you do your homework, and never ever meet alone for the first time, at least. Always have a friend or family member with you. If they like you, then they will understand.
I need advice regarding child support
by snarf ini know this is a forum about jehovahs witnesses, but with so many intelligent people with varying ideas to solutions on problems, thought i would post my problem here.
my daughter's father is $35,000 behind on child support.
i have always tried to be suportive of their relationship and made sure they could see each other on his weekends.
Thanks for your posts. I have always kept my head when I get upset with her Dad. I grew up in a split family and my parents always threw us in the middle of their fights, so I would never do that to my daughter. I don't think she even knows what child support
Serendipity...WOW ! Makes my problem seem very small. As the saying goes...what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.
I need advice regarding child support
by snarf ini know this is a forum about jehovahs witnesses, but with so many intelligent people with varying ideas to solutions on problems, thought i would post my problem here.
my daughter's father is $35,000 behind on child support.
i have always tried to be suportive of their relationship and made sure they could see each other on his weekends.
O.K. I know this is a forum about Jehovahs witnesses, but with so many intelligent people with varying ideas to solutions on problems, thought I would post my problem here. My daughter's father is $35,000 behind on child support. I have always tried to be suportive of their relationship and made sure they could see each other on his weekends. He takes her every other weekend like clockwork, always has. Most of the time I would drive her to the city where he lives about 40 miles away and drop her off, then at the end of the weekend would drive back to the city and pick her up. I have recently stopped due to the gas prices and plus I am always exhausted at the end of my work week. He still comes and gets her on his visitation weekend, but he has made no more attempts to pay support. I am registered with the state child support agency for collection, but the only time I have recieved money is when he was on unemployment and it was garnished or recently when they levied his bank account, which awarded me a whopping $140.00. I have tried a few times to keep her on his weekends but he always puts her in the middle of the fight and tells her that I don't want her to see him anymore, not true. She loves her father very much and I always felt that a relationship for her with her father was more important than a monthly check, but I am starting to get very angry about the fact that he isn't helping to contribute to her material needs. He is working 2 jobs, one as a waiter part time, and another full time job somewhere getting paid cash under the table I assume cause the state has no record of him working anywhere. He has 3 roommates so I know his monthly living expenses aren't too high.
I was just wondering if anyone out there had any good suggestions to remedy this situation. I really don't need the money, I have always provided for her on my own, and she has everything she needs plus some. But, I just feel he needs to be held accountable for his responsibilities. I have assured him in the past on several occassions that the support would go into a savings for her so she could use it for her first car, college, or living expenses when she turned 18 and moved out on her own ( not like that is any of his business) to motivate him to pay.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
What Things Were You Shocked To Find Out About, While In The Org.
by Warlock inthese are just 3 things that i was shocked to learn when i was in the org.
they may not seem like big things to some, but they are to me.. 1. speakers at the d.a.
had food catered to them.
That a woman had to stay in a marriage if she was being abused or if the children were being abused. Oh, of course she could seperate for safety reasons, but to recieve a scriptual divorce he had to be "proven" of adultery.. GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!!!