I feel your pain. I have had to fire a few people in my day, and the old saying of it's not personal,it's business is very personal to the one getting fired. If you feel drawn to write her a note of the decision, try and keep as business like as possible cause you never know who will try and sue these days. Maybe let her know that as a person she is a wonderful lady, however her skills do not seem to be fitted for the position she was hired for.
Posts by snarf
Have you had to fire anyone?
by purplesofa infour weeks ago my company hired someone for me to train.
she seemed right and eager.
there is alot to learn and you have to pay attention and be aggressive in your training.. this girl has alot of personal problems, financial, having affair with two married men, her daughter wont talk to her.....etc etc.
Do you have any phobias?
by greendawn indo you have any phobias jw related or not?
i personally don't have much except having to go through very narrow spaces where i can barely fit in that freaks me out and i also fear very hot weather like over 38 degrees celsius as if it will give me a heat stroke.
Bats, oooh I hate those suckers !!!! Also, heights. My biggest phobia is probably not being able to breath. I hate those close to face talkers, they take my air and I can't breath. Germs also, so I always carry sanitizing lotion.
Can a prospective divorced member marry another JW
by zilla ini have recently chosen to have a bible study with the jws because i have recently met several jws who have inspired me by their goodness towards others.
i have been married twice, divorced once and now recently separated.
none of my marriages ended due to adultery on either side.
Legally divorced or not, you will stil be married in the eyes of Jehovah according to thier teachings unless you have two or more witnesses account for the act of adultery or your ex comes forward and tells them that he has cheated. I know from experience, and believe me it can play some horrible mind games. PLease Please Please do research on the Witnesses other than recognizing a few kind acts before diving in, and if you have children involved take it easy on them and don't make them convert, it will hurt them in the long run.
What's the deal here?
by Jerohobobonadad inhello all, i hope this post finds you well.. i was wondering - the same hardcore dozen or so posters seem to be the only ones who reply to and start topics.
looking at the member directory, there are loads of members, but most do a handful of posts then disappear.
is there just a crew of regulars here?
Also, alot of the long time posters are staying on to help those that are just starting out on the process of discovery. Every once in a while you will see the long timers restart an old topic just to keep it fresh for the new ones, which is great cause they can provide a wealth of info.
Anyone here watching the series "Jericho?"
by free2beme init's a new series on cbs.
the plot in summary, is about a town that is basically far away from anything.
in the distance one day they see a nuclear bomb explode, that took out denver.
I love it, but my fiance has his dinner break half way through it and calls from work so I always end up missing the last half. I was wondering about the thumb tacks though, maybe the morse code he picked up listed all the cities that were bombed? It will be interseting to see when all the chaos starts cause ya know someeone has to cause trauma eventually...lol.
Daughter getting out of ARMY!!!!!
by purplesofa ini just got the confirmation she is getting out!!!.
she was in combat competition(won for her team) but she broke her wrist and thumb...and shattered her knuckle.. .
so they gave her a choice.........as they knew she wanted out.
I am glad to hear she made it home safe and sound. I hear ya on the way recruiters will do anything to get people to join. My fiance as well as alot of soldiers in his unit were suppose to recieve a $10,000 sign on bonus after they completed 5 years of service. Unfortunately that 5 years ended after a year in Baghdad and somehow the recruiter "forgot"to have the men sign the bonus paperwork when they enlisted, they didn't know any better at the time. It really bummed alot of them out, they were planning on using that money for a fresh start after the Army....what a way to treat people for serving their country in a war zone and giving up their families for a year.
Ever know of a great family movie, the Witnesses found demons or evil in?
by free2beme ini remember growing up, the witness children were often ones that were left to see all those g rated movies from disney.
yet even those at time, while accepted by just about every religion out there, were considered demonic.
for example, the following movies were said to show witchcraft and in or congregation we were encouraged to discard them and not own copies of them; sleeping beauty, snow white, the little mermaid, bed knobs and broomsticks, and fantasia.
Anger Management - because of the lesbians in the anger management class.
Was anyone at Bethel on 9-11-01?
by snarf inwas anyone at bethel on 9-11 or know of anyone who was?
i was just wondering the reactions to the bethelites there on that day.
also, was bethel close enough to ground zero to have any effect on the publishing that day?
Was anyone at Bethel on 9-11 or know of anyone who was? I was just wondering the reactions to the bethelites there on that day. Also, was Bethel close enough to ground zero to have any effect on the publishing that day? I had a sister in my congo. tell me that the Bethelites were the only "place of business" to open their doors to poeple trying to flee the area and that the bethelites fed them and gave them comfort. Just wondering if it is true.
Daughter getting out of ARMY!!!!!
by purplesofa ini just got the confirmation she is getting out!!!.
she was in combat competition(won for her team) but she broke her wrist and thumb...and shattered her knuckle.. .
so they gave her a choice.........as they knew she wanted out.
I have never heard of anyone being let out of the military by choice due to a broken hand. The only medical leave I have ever heard of is pregnancy, or a life threatening desease. Don't get me wrong, I am very pleased to hear that she is coming home, just confused. Also, basic is 3 months long, she just left a little while ago (like say in the past month or two?).
Just the skeptic in me asking questions.
I couldn't believe what I heard
by snarf ini posted last week about wanting ideas to bring up for a visit from my old teacher and her elder husband.
the visit went awesome, they only managed to stay for 3 1/2 hours then made up a lame excuse and bolted out of here as fast as they could.
i am very grateful for the responses i recieved, although we never made it to those issues, i didn't get a chance.
Luna2 -
Isn't it amazing how many loopholes you discover when you walk away? V- makes a great point though about the "innocent" mate having a say in the matter on wether they forgive you or not.
At least now all the conversations I had with the P.O. about the matter back then make sense now. He was always reminding me that I was not yet baptised and that maybe I should go out some night and see what followed me home. I always thought he was joking, maybe he wasn't..
Thank you all for all the help you gave in the matter, if they ever stop by again, maybe I will bring up the issues suggested and see what they say.