Do you have any phobias?

by greendawn 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    Do you have any phobias JW related or not? I personally don't have much except having to go through very narrow spaces where I can barely fit in that freaks me out and I also fear very hot weather like over 38 degrees Celsius as if it will give me a heat stroke.

  • ButtLight

    Yeah, that Im going to open a stale beer that tastes like tin!

  • Gadget

    I don't like heights, but can force myself to work through it.

    Any kind of creepy crawly/lizard/snake etc just freaks me out though!

  • lonelysheep

    Deep water


  • delilah

    I hate driving under train bridges,when a train is going over....always have had that fear.

    I'm afraid of heights too....

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I don't like heights either.

  • greendawn

    I forgot to say that I am also afraid of heights and sometimes I get a creepy feel when I am in an airplane at great altitude but somehow I manage to control it in the end by concentrating on the inside, on the cabin and the people there.

  • restrangled

    Spiders... I don't know where it came from. Here in Florida we have what are called wolf spiders and that they are. Close to the size of your hand and they JUMP when you go for 'em.

    My dad was on crutches before he died and their was one of those stinking spiders in his hall way. He had been trying to get him for weeks. He spotted him and tried to nail him with his crutch. He fell, broke his hip and thats when they found the bone cancer. While in the hospital, I got a big jar, and bought a black large stuffed spider and put him in it. I brought it to my dad and told him I had Nailed The Sucker. My dad never laughed so hard, as he had killed spiders his entire life for me.

    I cannot even be in the same room with any spider of any size.


  • Life Is Grand
    Life Is Grand

    I absolutely cannot stand spiders either-any shape or size.

    Once when I was driving, one came dangling down it's web in front of my face from the roof of the car-I almost had an accident because I freaked out so bad----YUCK!

  • Woofer

    I'm afraid of spiders as well. There was a big black on in our garage the other night and I freaked out until my husband could get out of the shower and kill it for me. Normally he will pick them up with a tissue and take them outside but this sucker was so big that I insisted he kill it! I didn't want to take the chance on him coming back into the garage.

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