I think the elders still are requested to contact all inactive ones in their area before Memorials. Whether they bother - I don't know. It depends on the bodies of elders - many are too busy / lazy to make much of an effort.
I left over 10 years ago - faded , not DFd - and I haven't been contacted by JWs since then , either door-to door or a "shepherding" request. The few JWs that I know still say hi if I see them around the town but the personnel in my old congregation has changed considerably since I left ( and reduced by about a third in attendance. )
I think probably the elders make a distinction , either consciously or sub-consciously between those who are "weak" ( those who perhaps still believe it is the truth & drift around on the very edge of the organisation ) and those who clearly have seen through the hypocrisy and have formally walked away.