Interesting topic. I've been in a few different congregations in my life and was treated differently in each one. I often wondered why this was, but it I think it has to do with status.
For example, growing up as an elder's kid and teenager, I always was in the clique. I seemed to know everyone and assemblies were actually fun. Then I "drifted" away and married a "worldly" guy. Shortly after, my husband and I were baptized and started going to a new congregation away from my family. Things were different and we had to build a reputation on our own, but since most people knew my dad, it made things much easier.
However, once we moved to another city where no one knew us it was an entirely different story. It was as though we were the "disgusting thing" to stay away from. We had a very hard time there. Seemed no one wanted to make space for new friends. My husband and children always had to work in service alone together--week after week. Once we asked an elder from a neighboring congregation when their meetings were so we could attend. Hoping our children would be able to meet some other kids. His response to my husband was, "When you become and elder you can come visit when you give a talk". Needless to mention, this is when my meeting attendance started to decline.
I believe the tone of the congregation is set by the BOE. Other factors are whether there is a lot of people moving in and out, or if it is a stale congregation with generations of related and interrelated people attending.