Part of the vows involve loyalty to the Watchtower organization
This alone would void the validity as counting as a baptisim into christianity.
i tend to accept that mine did - i was baptised prior to the changes that made one a 'watchtower disciple'.
my dedication was and is to god - prob the reason i am finally out.. opinions?.
jeff .
Part of the vows involve loyalty to the Watchtower organization
This alone would void the validity as counting as a baptisim into christianity.
i remember one windy summer day, after a meeting on sunday morning, i walked out of the hall behind a sister who was part of the church congregation with her two teenage children.
her husband did not attend.
the wind caught her dress unexpectedly and blew it up a'la marilyn monroe and revealed that she was wearing (shock, horror) french knickers...... there were a few murmers behind me which i at the time put down to things like "oh poor girl, so embarrassing".
My son was drug into the "back room" after a meeting because someone supposedly saw him walking down main street with his friend who appeared drunk. He wasn't. His friend is just a big goof ball that acts like one. It was witch hunt really. This was the third and last time the elders did this to my baptized son. After this my son never went back to the KH and is now living a free life like the rest of us--yeah!
i cant believe how i was duped by them........and when i see my family and former friends still in there it pisses me off...anybody got a spare rocket launcher?....signed of the pissed and pissed off brigade
ninja, my heart really feels for you. I'm going thru the same thing. It is beyond me how our families' can be so blind despite all the evidence the WTS is a big fraud. Somedays I feel as though there is fire cracker in my gut that is going to explode. When are these feelings we have going to ease, or how can we channel these feelings into something else more productive.
rude and ill-mannered sales people, telephone solicitors, and people who use their sleeves as tissues and napkins..
#1 all time pet peeve DRINKING and DRIVING---don't mean to preach, but I'm a trauma RN and I've seen it all---it's not pretty.
rude and ill-mannered sales people, telephone solicitors, and people who use their sleeves as tissues and napkins..
Parents who scream at their kids at the mall.
Parents who egg their kids on during a temper tantrum at the mall.
Drivers who don't signal when they turn.
jehovah's witnesses have spanish assembly .
a spanish-speaking assembly for jehovah's witnesses will take place today and saturday.
the assembly begins each day at 9:40 a.m. at post auditorium, 400 w. 5th st. the topic will be "treasures in heaven.
ay caramba!
rude and ill-mannered sales people, telephone solicitors, and people who use their sleeves as tissues and napkins..
Rude and ill-mannered sales people, telephone solicitors, and people who use their sleeves as tissues and napkins.
take a look at this awake article.
i will make a few small comments in red (in parenthesis), but leave the .
bulk of commenting for others to add on.
Excellent job OTWO! I agree it's definately autobiographical. More appropriate title should be "Do the GB/WTS do your thinking for you?", with the subheading "Tricks of the GB/WTS".
"hey buddy, can you spare a dime?".
we can all help make the world a better place to live in without even involving our purse/wallet, and requiring only a tiny amount of time.
these 'dime time' acts of kindness to our fellow human beings can help reduce stress in others and therefore contribute to a happier world.
Giving up the last slice of pizza or homemade chocolate chip cookie when you didn't even get one. Holding doors open with a smile---whatever happened to this simple courtesy? And if someone does hold a door open, a pleasant "thank you" with a smile goes a long way to making someone feel good. Loading bags of groceries into an elderly person's vehicle. Smiling to all those you come in contact with or pass by and using simple manners contributes to happier people. Take notice to those around you wherever you are. Perhaps you'll notice someone who's calling out "hey buddy, can you spare a dime?" You'll be a happier person because you observed them and said "yes I can".
very personal and yet it happens way too often, but would you forgive and if you did, how would it change you and the relationship?.
or is it over?.
This topic reminded me of something I came across the other day on the web. It's a boyfriends public revenge on a cheating girlfriend that happened live on the radio. Pretty ruthless stuff if you as me.
I listened to the link above Drew provided. Boy, was that ever a harse thing to do to someone especially over the radio! Talk about revenge....sheesh.
Anyway, depending on the circumstances I think I could forgive.