Fear is immobilizing emotionally and mentally. JW's are taught to fear the world and every other organization out there in the world. It is such and intense and personal voiding to be a JW; it is hard to know who you are, let along go to a different place of worship! The meetings were dull, boring, not arousing any spiritual feelings in me personally, that it is hard to imagine going to a similar place where people just want to point out scriptures to prove whatever it is they want to prove. Just can't do it!!!!! SuzieQ Calif.
JoinedPosts by SuzieQ
JWdom "limbo"
by Gayle ini realize how many people are sent to "limbo" of sorts by the wts.
how many jws quit going, inactive, no meetings for "years," wasn't happy with it but are still "stuck" somewhere in between, not active jws, feeling condemned by the organization yet still don't stretch themselves to "read" anything to investigate why the organization didn't work for them.
my brother got a call from an inactive jw, who hasn't gone in years & not in the association of anyone anyway, not happy with jwdom.
Going to speak to my parents about the 'Truth"
by ThomasCovenant ini am going to approach my parents (dad an elder) later this summer with my true feelings about the wt society.
i have the cd rom and a lot of society books (plus of course the off limits wonders of google) but i happen to have just one bound volume of the watchtower 1953. it's a real gem!.
i intend to bring this book to my meeting with them as they won't be able to say it's apostate.
I left the religion of JW not due to trying to prove or disprove any arguments about specific topics, but because I was sick, physically and mentally of the huge amount of reading material telling me how to think, and live. I was sick of the meetings, sick of the elders trying to act smarter than they are, and I just walked away. This is important: If you are of age, have a place of your own, are of sound mind and judgement- YOU DON't NEED TO EXPLAIN why you no longer want to study, attend meetings, go door to door or anything else. I tell the JW who come to my door that I just do not have any interest in what they are saying, it is that simple. They then ask "What do you think about the violence, the school shootings!" I tell them I had nothing to do with it, there are disturbed people everywhere and that is life. Life is risk. God can do what God wants to do about it, it has nothing to do with me. SuzieQ Calif.
How do you think God feels about atheists? Angry? Amused?
by AlmostAtheist inhey guys, .
have you ever considered what god thinks about atheists?
assume for a moment that he/she/it is there: what's the reaction to non-believers?
I've always viewed God as very distant from Humans and the Earth. It comes from being taught that humans are so bad and sinful that God has Jesus do all the looking at the condition of humans and letting him handle the situation. God is too pure and righteous to ever have any connection directly with humans. Jesus may have tried to prove there is a true God, Creator, Jehovah by performing miracles, but since we have no miracles in the sense that Jesus performed NOW, God should expect that there are unbelievers among us. Another question would be: "If you were God, why would you care if humans believed you were out there or not?". Being God, you would know you are the only supreme being in existence and no one could change that! SuzieQ Calif
If Bush Used Nuclear Weapons On Iran Should He Be Tried As A War Criminal?
by frankiespeakin inwhat do you think?
should he be put on trial before a world court?
History shows that "nuking" Japan had no repercussions on USA. Bush would be a hero in the History Books; his tenacity to spread human rights & freedoms in a place that is far behind the modern world. SuzieQ Calif.
Ever notice how interested worldly friends were to hear you'd left...zzzzzz
by Gregor inthe first few years after i got my head out of my jw ass i assumed that worldly associates would be fascinated to hear of my escape....wrong.
most of them looked at me like "what the f--- are you talking about?"...
"who cares?
The problem with most people I've been around my entire life; they are afraid to talk about any subject that is controversial. I announced that I was no longer active in the cong. at a business lunch and only one person commented, she said " JW's are too critical of other people and it is depressing." She was glad I quit. Our feelings and self worth have been eroded from the years of meeting attendance and study of WTBTS literature; therefore we would feel as though the hub of our life is gone and it is catastrophic. Others in the world have perhaps not felt that strong influence in their lives and don't realize the enormity of leaving a religion like JWs. I had to go to a psychiatrist after I quit. I went to three really. I was messed up for a very long time - I'm still not where I want to be psychologically. It is very hard to see my ex in-laws; they always try to bring up a topic that will lead to their speculating the end is in sight! I could just puke! Yours truthfully, SQ - California
NBC News shows no integrity
by M.J. ini'm pretty upset after watching the crap on msnbc last night.. they kept milking the story about their package from that psycho, constantly flashing his photos and videos on the screen--just the way he envisioned it.. repeatedly the psychological experts they interviewed told them that this course of action would only serve to encourage others.. meanwhile they interview the president of nbc news, who talked about the "careful" consideration about what to do with the contents of the package, deciding to "immediately" turn it over to investigators.
(but apparantly not until they copied some of the videos and photos).. for their rationale on their decision to air these materials, all they could offer was, "if we didn't do it, some tabloid would have done it".
they were the only ones that got the stuff!.
After all the hoopla over the shootings in Va; JW's came to my door this morning (I'm a whole continent away from VA.USA), they were trying to place their latest Awake and Watchtower based on fear in the aftermath of the VA. shooting rampage. Personally, I was offended! How do any of you feel about this? Would you accept magazines on the topic of violence related to something horrible that happened 4000 miles away from you? Isn't there violence everyday? Won't there possibly be violence tomorrow at any given place and time? I can't feel any better because a magazine assures me that there is an answer to these problems. I know what the answer will be from their magazines - - "Jehovah's Kingdom". This has no meaning for me nor in my outlook for mankind's future. What do you think. Please send me a reply; I would feel better knowing how some of you feel, since you have experience with JW's or were JW's at one time. Thanks! SQ
Your answer to a JW's question "What is an alternative?"
by ukescott ina jw that i engaged in a series of debate finally posed this question.
i can see that he is running out of his "canned" answers and he wants to defend his organization desperately or he doesn't want to admit that he is dead wrong.
so he uses this faulty logic to depend his belief system.
Maybe the question should be "What Do I Want for my Life?". If you are spiritual, you always will be. If you need to worship with others then you should find out where that may be. There is never just two ways to anything. Hope you find contentment with yourself and your future decisions in your life. I find great relief in being able to freely participate in activities that are enjoyable to me; without guilt. Being a J.W. from childhood on through adult years was a very intense experience and it stole everything from me; I deserve to recover some of those things I missed out on. I get to work within a group and have my own opinion, and when others grab on to my ideas or opinions it feels very good. Discover your future at your own pace. There's no alternative (no equal) to life. LIVE DAMN IT! SuzieQ
Most people are burned out on all organized religions
by free2beme ini know we always think and talk about how when we left the witnesses, we felt burned out on organized religion as a whole.
we felt it was caused by our time as witnesses, and the burn out we felt from knowing so much about other religions and our "suppose" knowledge on the bible.
here is the thing, since leaving the witnesses and talking to people who have never spent any time in the witness religion.
Hello Free2bme, I'm SuzieQ and as an ex JW, I've always felt that we got too much information, studying and even posturing. It was an extreme effort for me to always be the odd person out on subjects. I was always having to explain myself. Such as "I can't attend the office party for ----whatever reason." Or upon hearing through the office grapevine that I was an JW some people approached me regarding blood transfusion "you people keep blood from your dying children" or "you don't accept homosexuals" etc. etc. this is what I refer to as posturing. This was very difficult for me to deal with and it seems like something was always coming up; I just gave up after awhile. I felt attacked all the time and the congregation, the elders, my JW friends didn't help at all. I was completely wiped out! Whatever happens to this world is not in my hands. I try to be the best person I can be right now and not worry about the salvation of mankind. God can do that! SuzieQ
NEW LIGHT: How it works
by Terry inpolicy changes are always "new light" .
it kinda goes like this.
jehovah's spirit deals only with us and by carefully examining the scriptures we can see that 2+2=19.
I like your description of what the new light is. I always felt strange about this topic when I was sitting at the assembly, trying to get my head around the double talk! I would defend it to the last breath at the door while out in service, but then have serious doubts LATER about why I was defending something that sounds so double sided and wacky. Such as "yes, JW's used to celebrate Christmas, but not now, because there was new light!"; "yes, JW's used to celebrate birthdays but not now because of new light."; "1975? Oh that was a misunderstanding...." and etc. etc. Did anyone else just get tierd of always defending these teachings and others also.....? I envied other people who did not have to waste energy defending themselves, their beliefs, their way of life every single minute of their waking lives.
Help! My "devout" JW's mom is "pioneering" at age 76 on a cane.
by booker-t inposters i have tried "everything" to show my mom that the wts is full of beans but she just won't budge.
i have heard through some non-jw's relatives that my mom who is 76 years old and having alot of problems with her knee is pioneering.
i am so worried about her standing in front of the donut shop or supermarket at 6:00 am.
I hope your mom is with others at 6am on the street holding up the magazines. I can't imagine my mother, who is 68, getting up that early let alone handing out magazines. You can worry, but she is an adult- in her right mind- i suppose? I would let my worries be known to the elders in her hall by writing a tactful letter about your specific concerns as to her activities for the religion. Hope it turns out o.k. SuzieQ