Posts by dvw
by shera13 ini admit i have been a lurker for a few months and now i can finally talk to u guys!
i want to thank you guys for your honesty on this site and your humor...my husband and i formally dissassociated ourselves from the darling watchtower a few months ago and your site helped us keep our chins up!
we particularly enjoy blondies weekly commentaries on the watchtower articles!
History channel
by darth frosty ini was just watching the history channel and their talking about hell- the devils own.
when talking about the devils challenge to god over job.
one of the commentators makes the statment that 'not only was this a bold move on the devils part, but, also shows how he just wanted to do evil for evils sake, when you consider no one can challenge god and win.
leolaia, where were you 6000 years ago? we coulda used ya.
History channel
by darth frosty ini was just watching the history channel and their talking about hell- the devils own.
when talking about the devils challenge to god over job.
one of the commentators makes the statment that 'not only was this a bold move on the devils part, but, also shows how he just wanted to do evil for evils sake, when you consider no one can challenge god and win.
yep, good call.
i have the same feelings about the genesis account of adam and eve's fall. why did jehovah even put the tree of knowledge in the garden? if he wouldnt have, could adam and eve have sinned "on their own" in the first place? adam and eve were essentially "infants" when they encountered the serpent... thanks jehovah! they had no experience with anything or anyone aside from god. jehovah allowed a supremely powerful psychopath to lure his children (who had absolutely no idea that there could be another being in existance who would seek to do them harm) into unspeakable consequenses.
here is how i parallel it.
if you were a parent, and you had direct knowledge that there was a murdering pedophile lurking around the neighborhood, would you scurry your kids into the house and protect them? or , would you just tell them to behave and set them out in the yard, ALONE, with no defense against a threat that they have no idea even exists?
what would a decent person do? what would a decent god do?
What was the appeal of Judge Rutherford?
by VM44 inwhat was the appeal of judge rutherford?.
each year when he was alive, tens of thousands of people would travel many miles, and camp out for days in tent cities to hear him speak.
people read his book, listened to his recordings, and basically did everything he told them to do.. people gave rutherford expensive gifts, an air condidtioner for his office in brooklyn, cadillacs, the beth sarim home and property, and so on.. it is quite clear that rutherford provided something that the masses "bought", but what was it?.
good answer, greendawn.
he made alot of dumbass statements. its hard to understand why people would follow him. maybe a 100 years from now people will look back at the watchtower of today and say; "they sure said a lot of stupid stuff."
wait, that is happening NOW. nevermind.
To Fade or Not Fade
by daniel-p inso it's been five months that i've been on jwd and i've made a lot of progress.
first i want to thank everyone, wholeheartedly, for the encouragement i've recieved here.
when i first posted i was still an ms, and being used in the cong.
WOW! willyloman nailed it. great advice. i feel bad for the jdubs in your situation. you have alot invested in the "truth". family is the biggie. my situation is different. i can fade, slide, walk, run, or go all out super nova. i dont know what i would do if i were you. i might be weak. whatever you do, dont let the wt. get between you and your wife. treat her like she should be treated. maybe she will see what is truly good.
OLD information for NEW light
by architect inhas anyone ever stop to realize that since the new change in thought regarding the generation that jesus spoke about was from references dated: (w95 11/1 pp.
1011 saved from this wicked generation...).
1957 walter bauer's greek-english lexicon.... 1940 or so w.e vine's expository dictionary.... 1964 theological dictionary of the new testament.
the new understanding of this "generation", meaning that jesus was speaking about the wicked generation that has always been around and will be here till the very end is the lamest and most panicked load of crap that the gb. ever printed. if this was supposed to be some sort of sign concerning the end, i couldnt think of a more stupid and redundant way that jesus could have said it. if the rank and file buy this crap, the gb. can say "these are the last days, hurry, hurry, but we are going to leave it open ended till time indefinite."
talk about having your cake and eating it too!
Scientology article at RollingStone.com
by undercover inhttp://www.rollingstone.com/news/story/9363363/inside_scientology
an in depth article about the church of scientology at rollingstone.com.
very good article.
i read that too. the church of scientology is one scary bunch of dudes. if someone speaks out against them, the church has no hesitation in absolutely wrecking that persons life. (just ruthless i guess). also, tom cruise is a dildo.
My dog ate rat poison today
by Purza inyes, it has been one of those days.
not only did i see a car full of jws at home depot running out and targeting unsuspecting victims before they walked in the store, but when i reached my destination (our rental property) there were two jws at the door.
the two at the door only said hello to me and my husband and it probably had something to do with our dog growling at them.
yes, he is fine. he has done it at least 3 times. lots of mice in this part of the usa. they get real tired and kind of "droopy acting". this is your best clue if you didnt actually see the dog eat it.
by dvw inhas anyone heard about the documentary on pbs?
its called "knocking".
its about the wts.
JW child molester, Rick McClean, to be profiled on America's Most Wanted
by SixofNine inapril 15, i believe.. and for anyone who knew rick mcclean, the fbi could really use your help.
(i can get you the proper number, if you pm me).
link to a thread with details on mcclean: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/8/106553/1.ashx
WOW! armed and dangerous? i didnt think jdubs were allowed to have guns. he will probably be "counciled" on that one.