you guys sure know alot about satan. ; Do you know him? ; How do you know his intentions? ; Are you God? ; How can you judge someone you don't even know. ; Guess you would have judged Paul as condemned too. ; Good thing Stephen didn't while he was being stoned.
There is a serious flaw in your argument here.
What I don't understand is how can you compare Satan to man? Look harder at that scripture you are reffering to. Stephen ask Jesus to forgive them because they did not know any better. The people who stoned Stephen believe they were doing God's will. They killed Stephen due to their ignorance.
If a mentally stable 40 year old man killed someone you care about, should the justice system allow him to go free? I mean after all if the crime was committed by a 5 year old boy he would not be punished by the criminal justice system right? Is therefore the justice system hypocritical?
I think the lessonwe need to learn spend a little more time taking up for each other and defending one another, rather than judging and condemning people/angels who you have no way of knowing their hearts and intentions. ; Time to quit playing God. ; IMO you also need to stop presenting your own personal opinions as facts, You may accidently mislead someone you know. ; IMO ;
Being as we are not God...We have opinions...He has the truth. ;
I don't understand where you are coming from. If you believe what the bibe says then you should know he will not be forgivien. However, if you don't believe that the bible is God's book then your arguement is mute issue. I say satan will not be forgivin because he is destroyed in the lake that burns with fire. So it is not my own judgement I am rendering here, but that of God! If men who sin against the Holy Spirirt are not forgiven, then when shall Satan make a stand?
In answer to the topical question, Jesus is not a hypocrite if he doesn't forgive Satan.