Ok.. point taken.. but then...God isn't doing anything to help our problems at this time.. If he exists.. which clearly he doesn't,,(but that is just my viewpoint anyways) The most help people get from him is praying and then they feel better because they talked to someone or some enitity up there that might help them and so it is a placebo effect.. I pray.. I feel better.. He might help.... and yes humans do take others lives.. that is why I said humanity messes up the planet...but I feel better taking actual physical action for something if I can rather than just praying to some unknown( if existing) at all entity .. who is doing nothing to help anyways...
But God does help us. He helps us all the time. Its just too bad many humans do not realize this. Angels under his orders make goods things happen to people without them ever realizing it. Most of the time people will just credit themselves.
Only if people could see the role God played freeing America from England and giving the Allies victory over the Axis powers in World War 2.
God confuses our enemies. He puts thoughts in to the minds of other to do good unto us. He helps us find the truth.Have you ever had great idea pop inside your head all of the sudden? It's likely God gave you that idea. He helps us with decision making. These are how blessings come about.