Help me drink Jesus blood

by GodisRight 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • GodisRight

    I don't know how to celebrated the memorial because I was tricked by Jehovah Witness.

    What am I suppose to eat and drink? Is there a special kind of bread and bevarge that is need.

    Another question I have is what is leaven bread and what is unleaven bread?

    Oh yeah, what is the date of the memorial?

    Please help me.

  • jstalin

    What are you trying to accomplish? Couldn't you just go to any local church?

  • GodisRight
    What are you trying to accomplish? Couldn't you just go to any local church?

    No, I am new to my area and don't know what church to go to celibrate. Besides if they are doing it wrong how will I know that it is being done wrong?

  • jstalin

    Good question. How do you define "doing it right"? Every church has their own opinion on it. Does it really matter if the intent and sincerity are there inside you? Would god punish you for trying to do the right thing?

  • GodisRight
    Good question. How do you define "doing it right"? Every church has their own opinion on it

    I define doing it right as proper biblical interpretation on the matter.

    Does it really matter if the intent and sincerity are there inside you? Would god punish you for trying to do the right thing?

    Wasn't Saul(paul) sincere when he was persecuting christians? I think it does matter.

  • Narkissos
    what is the date of the memorial?

    This question shows that you are still "tricked by JWs". The whole idea of an "annual memorial" celebration at a certain date according to a certain calendar is theirs.

    I second jstalin's suggestion: it is a communion, so if you are a believer the first "right" thing to do might be to join other believers. More important perhaps than the "right" day or the "right" type of bread or wine, don't you think?

  • tetrapod.sapien

    ya man, don't worry about what church you go to. if you are true to it, and jesus exists, he will be smiling down on you.

    welcome to the board.


  • GodisRight
    This question shows that you are still "tricked by JWs". The whole idea of an "annual memorial" celebration at a certain date according to a certain calendar is theirs.

    I second jstalin's suggestion: it is a communion, so if you are a believer the first "right" thing to do might be to join other believers. More important perhaps than the "right" day or the "right" type of bread or wine, don't you think?

    Well, that is why I need your help because I know JWs have tricked me. I don't know what I am doing. I want to celebrate this thing the right way, I just don't know how.

    How can I know for sure if the other believers are not just as bad as the JWs since I don't anything abouth churces in my area. What is they try to give me Soda or orange juice to drink. What will Jesus say about this?

  • GodisRight
    This question shows that you are still "tricked by JWs". The whole idea of an "annual memorial" celebration at a certain date according to a certain calendar is theirs.

    I second jstalin's suggestion: it is a communion, so if you are a believer the first "right" thing to do might be to join other believers. More important perhaps than the "right" day or the "right" type of bread or wine, don't you think?

    Well, that is why I need your help because I know JWs have tricked me. I don't know what I am doing. I want to celebrate this thing the right way, I just don't know how.

    How can I know for sure if the other believers are not just as bad as the JWs since I don't anything abouth churces in my area. What is they try to give me Soda or orange juice to drink. What will Jesus say about this?

  • SickofLies

    If you are sincere about the question read what the bible says about the matter and pray about it. Maybe you could come up with a list of bible questions and go to different churchs and ask people them, then chose the one you think has the best answers.

    Personally I think it'll all very relative, if God wanted humans to have the 'truth' he would still have profits on the earth preforming maricles and giving people divine guidence. My personal belief is that you must find your own path in life that suits you. Sprituality in the end is a very peronal matter. Good luck on your quest.

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