hi freedomlover great to know things worked out well with the kids, i think the general feeling coming through to me is to hold off a bit with the parents, although i know i will have to do this sometime as we live next door to each other!! I know i will have to lay some ground rules down with them could just see the comments they will try to make to the children!! thanks again I'm glad i've found this place
JoinedPosts by beezknees
feelings on leaving
by beezknees ini'm new here glad to have found a place where people have been thru the same things, i'v been inactive 4 over a year now and after much research realise i have 2 totally break free from this organisation, i was brought up in the religion and am now 30 married to a witness (also inactive at the mo) my dad was an elder until my sister disgraced the family by leaving the jws but he still goes to meetings my mum is hit and miss but won't hav a word said against the 'truth'.
so heres my probs, telling my parents ..i know i'm 30 but its kinda hard i know what i will get mislead by the devil.. apostate..condemned my kids 2 death etc..my husband isn't too keen on the research either saying its apostate material., although it has made him think.
and my 2 lovely little boys age 9 and 7 what do i tell them??
the begining of the end
by whatawaste ini would like to ask for some help if that is ok, first ill exsplain my situation.
im 19, male, and for the last 1-2 months have been to no meetings at all, due to all this stuff with the un and many other things.
i was on the phone the other day to one of my close (well i thought so) friends, and we were talking, you see he is from another town and had no idea of me not attending meetings.
hi there
this is one of the things that started me thinking, use the links to get actual copies of the scanned letter from the un confirming the fact, you can also get emails from the un confirming that you don't need to be a ngo for a library pass..be warned though i showed this info to my bro in law who sad the letters must have been doctored and didn't want to discuss it.. he said next i will be standing outside the hall with pacquards!! people can be blind to see what they don't want to see
What would you change in your life if you knew when Armageddon would be?
by JH ini wouldn't change anything at all.
i'd keep on living the way i'm living right now.. i'd say, take me or leave me behind.
i come this way, and i' m proud of who i am.
hi jh
my comment was just open ended to anyone not specifically directed at u, i know of people who think they can go out and have a ciggy on a friday night and do an extra hour on the ministry sat?
feelings on leaving
by beezknees ini'm new here glad to have found a place where people have been thru the same things, i'v been inactive 4 over a year now and after much research realise i have 2 totally break free from this organisation, i was brought up in the religion and am now 30 married to a witness (also inactive at the mo) my dad was an elder until my sister disgraced the family by leaving the jws but he still goes to meetings my mum is hit and miss but won't hav a word said against the 'truth'.
so heres my probs, telling my parents ..i know i'm 30 but its kinda hard i know what i will get mislead by the devil.. apostate..condemned my kids 2 death etc..my husband isn't too keen on the research either saying its apostate material., although it has made him think.
and my 2 lovely little boys age 9 and 7 what do i tell them??
i guess thats true perhaps there is still 10% of me that fears i may be wrong totally leaving, i know this is just self doubt, i guess i have to learn to beleive in my own desicions as oppesed to having been told what to believe all my life, i think the more i read about the organisation the more this will go, and obviousbly its great to talk to others!
What would you change in your life if you knew when Armageddon would be?
by JH ini wouldn't change anything at all.
i'd keep on living the way i'm living right now.. i'd say, take me or leave me behind.
i come this way, and i' m proud of who i am.
surely if you believe god will cleanse the earth of those he dissaproves of he would see thru any change that u would do merely in a hope to survive...can u earn your salvation?
by SWALKER ini guess that one of my first memories, about 3 years old, had to be sitting in a hard chair being made to listen to a boring talk that i didn't understand.
we weren't allowed any toys or books to look at besides the wt publications...i remember getting taken outside and beat for something i did...but i didn't even understand what i did wrong.
i remember that our car didn't have air-conditioning and during the summer how hot and sticky i was by the time i got to the kh.
wow where to begin, having a childhood filled with fear is my main memory..but did anyone else experience having to go on the platform and say..i want to be a missionary/ pioneer/go to bethel when i grow up?? saying what you had to say..what did we all really want to be??
feelings on leaving
by beezknees ini'm new here glad to have found a place where people have been thru the same things, i'v been inactive 4 over a year now and after much research realise i have 2 totally break free from this organisation, i was brought up in the religion and am now 30 married to a witness (also inactive at the mo) my dad was an elder until my sister disgraced the family by leaving the jws but he still goes to meetings my mum is hit and miss but won't hav a word said against the 'truth'.
so heres my probs, telling my parents ..i know i'm 30 but its kinda hard i know what i will get mislead by the devil.. apostate..condemned my kids 2 death etc..my husband isn't too keen on the research either saying its apostate material., although it has made him think.
and my 2 lovely little boys age 9 and 7 what do i tell them??
cheers everyone!!
feelings on leaving
by beezknees ini'm new here glad to have found a place where people have been thru the same things, i'v been inactive 4 over a year now and after much research realise i have 2 totally break free from this organisation, i was brought up in the religion and am now 30 married to a witness (also inactive at the mo) my dad was an elder until my sister disgraced the family by leaving the jws but he still goes to meetings my mum is hit and miss but won't hav a word said against the 'truth'.
so heres my probs, telling my parents ..i know i'm 30 but its kinda hard i know what i will get mislead by the devil.. apostate..condemned my kids 2 death etc..my husband isn't too keen on the research either saying its apostate material., although it has made him think.
and my 2 lovely little boys age 9 and 7 what do i tell them??
HI There
i thanks for the advice, i will look up your site, i think you are probaly right with the parents i think they just won't accept that they have spent the most of their life worshipping a religion it will just be too hard for them to accept, i'm sure i will get lots of sniping sarcastic digs about th dog returning to vomit etc.. but i think i just have to find some inner peace about it all inside, best wishes to you
feelings on leaving
by beezknees ini'm new here glad to have found a place where people have been thru the same things, i'v been inactive 4 over a year now and after much research realise i have 2 totally break free from this organisation, i was brought up in the religion and am now 30 married to a witness (also inactive at the mo) my dad was an elder until my sister disgraced the family by leaving the jws but he still goes to meetings my mum is hit and miss but won't hav a word said against the 'truth'.
so heres my probs, telling my parents ..i know i'm 30 but its kinda hard i know what i will get mislead by the devil.. apostate..condemned my kids 2 death etc..my husband isn't too keen on the research either saying its apostate material., although it has made him think.
and my 2 lovely little boys age 9 and 7 what do i tell them??
hi everyone,
i'm new here glad to have found a place where people have been thru the same things, i'v been inactive 4 over a year now and after much research realise i have 2 totally break free from this organisation, i was brought up in the religion and am now 30 married to a witness (also inactive at the mo) my dad was an elder until my sister disgraced the family by leaving the jws but he still goes to meetings my mum is hit and miss but won't hav a word said against the 'truth'. So heres my probs, telling my parents ..i know i'm 30 but its kinda hard i know what i will get mislead by the devil.. apostate..condemned my kids 2 death etc..my husband isn't too keen on the research either saying its apostate material., although it has made him think. and my 2 lovely little boys age 9 and 7 what do i tell them?? They obviously belive everything i'v told them. Last but not least how did you feel when you decided to leave, i have been having really bad dreams about armageddon and the demons etc..and feelings of being panicky/fearful, part of me thinks what if i am going crazy or being mislead.. also a feeling of emptiness that everything i built my life on feels like a lie?? I know in mind though what i have to do but it would be nice to know if these feelings are 'normal' (whatever that is)
by candidlynuts in.
you asked in your first post i'm just curious, is there anybody else on this sight from england, because everybody so far seems to be american or canadian.. cheers.
i'm american but yes there are some from england.. i posted this so they can say hi to you and welcome !
I've just joined and i'm from the u.k also so a big hi!