If I can remember correctly my old KH did not have a logo.
However, most of the men, specially elders and MS wore a tie pin with the Watchtower symbol on it. An elder used to sell them and he didn't like it much when I refused one.
my old kingdom hall has the watchtower logo built into the brick work on the side that faces the road - to me for a hall that is supposed to be dedicated to god, its a bit wrong to have a corporation logo on the side of it.
maybe its there to show they and not the congregation own it???
cs 101.
If I can remember correctly my old KH did not have a logo.
However, most of the men, specially elders and MS wore a tie pin with the Watchtower symbol on it. An elder used to sell them and he didn't like it much when I refused one.
hell explained by a chemistry student:.
>> t he following is an actual question given on a university of .
>> washington chemistry mid-term.
LMAO !! Thanks for the funny.
I belive that Hell is cold. I should know, I lived with her for 10 years before divorcing her !
due to funkyderek i have come to the decision to leave this board.
when i posted on the current gay thread in a way that i thought would stimulate thinking and lighten up the seriosness of the thread and have a laugh, he and others put me down publically labelling me.
so i find it difficult now to continue posting knowing that someone has influenced others into thinking that i'm not worthy of being here because my phrasing and spelling is bad and that i'm apparently a "hyporite".
Please don't leave. I have read some of your posts and I don't think you're a dummy !
Remember the old saying," You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time."
Perhaps a sabatical would help. Take a few days of, relax, reflect and repost.
Hang in there my friend,
Jose Angel
spoke with decki on the phone just now and she has some pain which is understandable.
she got some pain meds this am and she told me the dr. will probably release her this afternoon.
she loved everyones posts.
Sparkplug Decki ! So good to hear you are much better !
Keep resting and sleeping as long as you need. We all love you !
Quixote - better know as Jose Angel
i called the hospital a few minutes ago and sparky is currently in surgery.
i am going to by on my way home from work and say hi.
should i bring some flowers?
My best to Sparkplug. May she be as sparky as ever soon.
Best Wishes.
i am planning a trip to nyc mid november and the thought has crossed my mind to visit bethel.
i haven't been there ifn aprox 7 years and i am curious to see if anything has changed.
specially with the layoffs and down sizing.. so, do i tell them i'm da ?
Thank you all for your comments. Some were pretty funny ideas which I am crazy enough to do.
German: I read your thread, thanks for sharing.
After much thought, I have decided not to visit after all. I thought It would be interesting to take a tour after these many years and see if anything had changed. I probably would not be able to stomach the sweetness of my tour guide though.
Oh well, I will defenitely tour the rest of the city and Becca, if I can get tickets I'll make sure to take in a show. I have heard great reviews about Spamalot, but I think there is a long waiting list....to bad there not showing "Man of La Mancha" any more....
Thanks again all !
just wondering what the original purpose for this forum was?
was it for active jws?.
anyone jw related including apostates?.
Are there any "old timers" still posting ? I know from reading some threads that many are gone. Just curious though.
Uncle & Outlaw : You guys is funny !
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do you hate jehovah's witnesses?
since becoming a member of this board, it has often come.
Untill I started reading this thread, I thought I did hate JW's. Now I realize I don't hate the people because there are many which have good hearts. It is their ideology and their snobbishness which I can not bear.
here are some pics i want to share from my little one and i dressing up for halloween.
i usually opt for the non traditional costumes, but this year i thought i would vamp it up!
Very nice pics ! Loved them all. Your daughter is as beautiful and cute as a butterfly. You look GREAT too !
the craziest statement (not lies not incorrect application of scripture) just total abuse of elder position and misuse of platform.
an elder when on the platform(or as some might say the stage after all the majority are actors made a statement to the congregation because his wife was a bit sickly asked the bro/sisters to arrange a rota to make his dinners.my thinking was if he can't feed himself how can he feed the flock.visiting brothers could not beleive what they heard they thought he was joking.. i can asure you this elder wasn't noted for his humour.. kt.
So what's wrong with the dollar menus at some of the fast food places ?
When I seperated/divorced, not one elder or MS or any one else volunteered to call on me to see if I was eating properly. I used to work with my now ex-wife and I was looking for work, very low on income. Not once was I asked if I needed anything, anything at all. Yet they are instructed to take care of the sheep. Absurd.