Due to FUNKYDEREK I have come to the decision to leave this board. When I posted on the current gay thread in a way that I thought would stimulate thinking and lighten up the seriosness of the thread and have a laugh, he and others put me down publically labelling me. So I find it difficult now to continue posting knowing that someone has influenced others into thinking that I'm not worthy of being here because my phrasing and spelling is bad and that I'm apparently a "hyporite". I don't think I'm a bigot and hypocrite and I think I have lived long enough to learn to get along with others ,especially gays since they were part of my mothers social life as I was growing up and I got to know them and my own thinking as regards them. Despite being raped by one once when a child I see them as human beings with no less right to life than I do, for that was only one individual was'nt it? Men have raped women but that does'nt mean all men are the same does it? I was molested by my mother for years but that does'nt make all mothers perverts, and that is what we all learn in life I think. I certainly hope FUNKY reads the forum guidelines again and contributes positively in the future more posts and I would like to thank especially AlanF, Leolai, Auld soul and others for helping me break free from the JW's with their intelligent well researched comments. I have been really helped here as I've been trying for most of my life to overcome the past with phsychiatric help and the common spirit shown to me here by some has helped me in my quest for peace, but unfortunately some people have difficulty understanding others and how they try to express themselves. I never thought I would cry over this but it's like leaving freinds. Best wishes to all Steve
Thanks all now I'm leaving
by wozadummy 59 Replies latest jw friends
STEVE, don't go.
I havent read that topic but I will now
Why are you leaving because of some posters ??
Please don't go steve.
Sorry to hear you were given a hard time. But please do not leave because of the comment of one or two people. You will find that the majority of people on this board are very supportive to everyone and open to discussing all views with an intelligent and mild spirit. But just like anywhere in life, you will find some people who act like juveniles and resort to name calling or putting people down who disagree with them. Those are the ones you have to learn to ignore and take the mature road by not letting them get to you too badly. So again, please change your mind and stay, Lilly
Hey wad,
I usually don't say "don't go" but here I do.
I didn't read the thread either but this just strikes me as too stupid. We all can hurt each other because we don't really know who we are addressing. We've all got to be more careful, and you've got to be less sensitive about what is directed at your online persona -- people don't know you enough to get really personal.
Please hang in there.
gordon d
Hey Steve,
Don't let anybody put you down by their insinuations that "approved" grammar is any form of an indicator of intelligence .... Your opponents are quick to criticise but I bet none of them can even speak Australian. *lol*
Stick around... Your opinions are just as valid as anyone else's and this wouldn't be much of a forum without the diversity and unique perspectives that make it what it is.
Tempers flare whenever a friend gets attacked... that's what started the thread. Please forgive and move on.... no wait.. I mean, forgive and stay put! -
I agree....I have appreciated your posts since I have been here...Please stay...if not, can I have your screen name?? JK
you need to put on the new personality... i mean a thicker skin.
don't go!
Backed away
Please don't leave. your very insightful and offer much to all of us here. it won't be the same without you so please reconsider.
Your friends are speaking now..