It's always been do as I say, not as I do. I remember when the Patterson facilities were announced, we were all saying it wouldn't get finished before the big A, here we are and Patterson had been around how long?
JoinedPosts by baltar447
They keep pushing and pushing for the rank and file to do more and more. Dec 15 WT
by life is to short inthey are causing mental problems by pushing and pushing the ones in to do more and more and more.. the dec 15th wt on page 7 says .
"you have a document that needs a certain person's attention by the end of the day.
you mare it urgent!
Appeal Committee
by EmptyInside ini know of someone who was recently reinstated.
he mentioned to someone he had appealed the judicial committee's decision.
and the appeal committee agreed with him,but they could only give their recommendations to the original committee.
I thought they could too, otherwise what's the point of an appeal?
Does the Watchtower contain photo's of the Devil
by jwfacts ini have not been able to find any photo's of satan the devil in the watchtower.
there are photo's of the serpent with eve, satan's hand offering kingdoms to jesus and a shadowy cloaked figure speaking to jesus on the mountain.
apart from that i cannot locate any of a proper looking devil.
Gimme a break, you can probably take almost any image and fold it in half and make something creepy out of it.
Does the Watchtower contain photo's of the Devil
by jwfacts ini have not been able to find any photo's of satan the devil in the watchtower.
there are photo's of the serpent with eve, satan's hand offering kingdoms to jesus and a shadowy cloaked figure speaking to jesus on the mountain.
apart from that i cannot locate any of a proper looking devil.
Yes there was an illustration/drawing/artist's depiction. I can't remember the publication, but it showed ol' Satan as an angel getting himself pounded by a giant beam of light or something. I remember being surprised since there wasn't typically any depiction of him in the literature.
How do Jehovah's Witnesses interpret the Bible?
by brotherdan inthis is the information for the number 3 talk this week.. how do jehovahs witnesses arrive at their explanation of the bible?.
a key factor is that the witnesses really believe that the bible is gods word and that what it contains is there for our instruction.
(2 tim.
For instance, if the bible talks about a "generation", don't take that to mean anything but a period of 40 years up to 70 or 80. Oh shit, did we say that?
How long until the WT Society gives "new light" about the Internet?
by DagothUr inthe watchtower and awake have given some warnings in the past concerning materials available via the internet.
apostate and porn sites, violent games, useless and frivolous entertainment, and so on.
for now, they are contended with just giving friendly warnings.
Sharpie, legal would shit bricks, there's no way in hades they would dare do that. Be realistic.
How long until the WT Society gives "new light" about the Internet?
by DagothUr inthe watchtower and awake have given some warnings in the past concerning materials available via the internet.
apostate and porn sites, violent games, useless and frivolous entertainment, and so on.
for now, they are contended with just giving friendly warnings.
So are these brothers getting removed for porn getting caught by their wives or are they fessing up out of guilt? Just curious.
What Would Bring The Watchtower Down?
by metatron inrandy/dogpatch has posted some interesting material about troubles in the organization.
this info generated a lot of skepticism about the possibility of watchtower fragmentation.
frankly, it is very easy to be skeptical considering everything that ordinary witnesses are willing to believe or put up with.. i think it would be useful to realistically consider what sort of event(s) would bring the watchtower down or cause its fragmentation?
Is Jackcar a spammer or does he just want us to know he can customize a flash template?
How long until the WT Society gives "new light" about the Internet?
by DagothUr inthe watchtower and awake have given some warnings in the past concerning materials available via the internet.
apostate and porn sites, violent games, useless and frivolous entertainment, and so on.
for now, they are contended with just giving friendly warnings.
No way it saves too much $$. I'm sure they consider it a necessary evil. Eventually all the literature will be distributed online primarily and you'll print off your own copies.
Has there, or are there any normal pro-WT members on this forum? As in mentally stable, anybody?
by miseryloveselders infirst off, forgive me if i'm guilty of being judgemental.
i got my own fair share of mental problems.
it goes without saying that a bunch of us on this forum are misfits and freaks.
I would consider myself pro-JW. To me that means I support the people that I love and respect in this organisation. I still agree with many doctrines but I like am deeply disturbed by things. I don't think I am alone, I think there are many that feel as I do but would be afraid to say anything to anyone else. Here's what bothers me about the way the organisation is:
The authoritarian nature of the GB in the last few years and the unending articles that demand obedience without question in every issue betrays a complete lack of humility IMO.
The lack of love shown in the congregations. Even if you're going through hard times, you shouldn't expect a call from an elder unless it's for FS reports. There are many that do care but you know where the priority is.
The legalistic, nay, downright pharisaical unbending adherence to the letter of "the law" and lack of mercy.
I don't completely disagree with the disfellowshipping arrangement but I believe it's taken too far to the point that we are expected to dehumanize those that are former members, including family.
Two of the several definitions of occult are: Available only to the initiate; secret; Hidden from view; concealed. Based on my understanding of early Christians in the bible, there was nothing hidden from regular members. All the letters were shared with the whole congregation, there was not centralized authority only the Holy Spirit was in them and directed them what to do by means of Christ Jesus. If anything this whole flock book debacle shows that they desire to keep things hidden. It's like things are on a need to know basis like it's the military or something.
Oh well, I'm sure I can think of more, but I'm trying not to be critical