Found this video, seems interesting:
Found this video, seems interesting:
And frankly, as much media and public pressure there was on this, I trust in the jury of one's peers and being convicted BEYOND a reasonable doubt.
Ok guys, I've only seen bits and pieces of this. Where can I go to get an unbiased story of what really happened?
needless to say, banging on again about education and also creation/evolution.
can they not think of anything original?.
Guilt guilt and more guilt!
i'm just wondering has any body ever been busted on an apostate site because someone was able to identify them because of something they wrote.
why i ask this question is because how would this be explained at a jc.
because the person who reported it to the jc was reading something that they shouldn't of.
I'd also like to know who specifically has been outed on this site. I'd think very few from this site, people are far more likely to be outed on Facebook.
"jws leaders need to mandate elder bodies to uniformly report abuse to the authorities no matter what jurisdiction; prohibit elders from being involved in any investigative process to decide guilt or innocence in place of the authorities; do away with the two-witness rule to determine, as if they were magistrates, guilt or innocence of someone accused; prohibit so-called repentant molesters from engaging in the door-to-door ministry, and always inform the congregation if a convicted or confessed molester is meeting with them.
" -barbara anderson .
this is another reason why the watchtower society doesn't require that the elders uniformly report abuse to the authorities no matter what jurisdiction.
This is why I miss post counts...
so since we have not been to a meeting in 6 months or so, i decided to ask my daughter (on the way home from cheerleading practice - yeah i can't believe i am letting her engage in such a worldly activity lol) if she misses going to the kingdom hall.
she says sometimes because she can't see her friend - but she has made new friends so it doesn't bother her too much.
so i ask her, "well, what about learning about jehovah?
You're daughter is smart and doesn't believe religious bullcrap. What's the problem?
i remember when i was a "devout" jws i could not wait to get the new watchtowers and awakes from the wednesday nite theocratic ministry school.
i would actually salivate thinking of the new information jehovah had in the magazines for us.
i was "franatical" and i would go home still in my three piece suit and devour the magazines that very nite.
This thread is totally unneeded. How many people, including myself when I was lurking, benefit from her breakdown of the articles? I know you don't mean any disrespect, but to criticize one of the most respected and well researched posters on here just seems in poor taste.
the drama continues, i log on to facebook this morning and notice that i have about 20 some odd personal messages from people calling me an apostate to they will return to me when i return to jehovah.. all of this based upon my brother informing others that i have "apostate thoughts".
my mother also encourage long-time famil friends to "unfriend" me because i have taken my stand on the side of satan... wow.
don't you just love this international brotherhood.
Let us know via PM when you get your new facebook account so we can plug you into the ex-JW community on there.
the drama continues, i log on to facebook this morning and notice that i have about 20 some odd personal messages from people calling me an apostate to they will return to me when i return to jehovah.. all of this based upon my brother informing others that i have "apostate thoughts".
my mother also encourage long-time famil friends to "unfriend" me because i have taken my stand on the side of satan... wow.
don't you just love this international brotherhood.
Do yourself a favor and delete EVERY JW on your "friends" list. Block them your life will be better. Lock your facebook privacy settings down.