JoinedTopics Started by onceawitness
Prophecy For Idiots
by Farkel inlet's talk about prophecy!
for the purposes of this discussion it doesn't matter if it is "bible-based(tm)" prophecy or koran-based prophecy or any other type of prophecy as long it is to be assumed the prophecy comes from or was divinely inspired by god.. the first big question for prophecy.
the first question i have is one that no one seems to bother to ask whenever the subject of prophecy arises.:.
WT Trivia Question
by Farkel inthis question is not for ex-jw dilletantes.
it is rather for those "advanced" ex-jws who belong to the "i have nothing better to do with my time class.".
Has the WTS removed the 'offending' publications? Or just retired them due to time?
by AK - Jeff ini seem to recall the earlier versions of watchtower cd-rom containing books from the 50's and 60's [life everlasting in the freedom of the son's of god - babylon the great has fallen - etc].
i have no cd predating 2001 now in my possession - and looked at that one today doing research, finding that virtually nothing pre-1970 is there [except the revised/altered 'truth' book].. is my memory faulty on this?
could it be that they just 'retired' the older pubs innocently?
If we evolved why is the brain more than we need?
by cyberjesus ini dont believe in creation anymore.
according to the evolution theory we adapt based on our needs.
but the human brain is far superior than our needs.
Special message for Dr. James Penton
by Nathan Natas inmany of you are familiar with the channel c discussion group, a christians-only discussion group with a fairly large xjw component.. even though i would never be permitted to post on channel c (i'm the lowest form of creation, you know, an atheist), i like to check in with the channel c crowd every so often to see what "watchtower world" stories i might have missed.
i hold no antipathy toward christians, i just don't agree with their conclusions.
live and let live and all that.
Andersinfo: Swingle - Sydlik - Fekel - Jackson
by TheOldHippie insince you've known quite a few of the gb members etc., and mentioned that when jaracz entered a room, sydlik would leave, i'd like to ask you about sydlik - what was your impression of him?
it seems he was sort of a reformist without enough power, but i've also read that some say he had a less glamorous role at the 1980 events?.
and then swingle, of whom i've heard nothing but nice things - your impression?.