Someone posted here a few days ago that the Stanley Theater has also been sold, to the tune of 35 million dollars. I tried to find something to confirm that, but I couldn't find anything. Anyone know if that's true or not?
how you guys doing?.
sorry if this was discussed already but i havent been around lately.. my sis and bro in law had some of their witness family fly in and visit them last week.
they decided that they wanted to visit bethel here in nyc.
Someone posted here a few days ago that the Stanley Theater has also been sold, to the tune of 35 million dollars. I tried to find something to confirm that, but I couldn't find anything. Anyone know if that's true or not?
.....or why they won't let me play at the kingdom halls anymore.
sorry to wreck everyone's lovely christmas eve, but it's time for some brutal torture!
if nothing else, "dubsticks" illustrates how a perfectly normal and often happy person is going along in life minding his or her own business, and then dubs enter into that life and change everything.
Hey Farkel. Did you play that? In Real time? It seems that I read somewhere that you have a Kurzweil or maybe it was a Roland digital (?) I can't remember. Anyway, that's not bad. Not bad at all. I'm impressed.
many opinions have been expressed on this board as to what is killing the society today.
i am positive that issues such as the un scandal, the pedophile issue, etc.
are having a negative effect and contributing to a general slackening off and sense of malaise amongst the rank and file.
To Winsome. Where did you come from? I don't post too often, but I read a lot and I don't think I've ever come across your name; it appears that you post even less than I do. But you should post a lot more------------your explantion of the Society's Big Dilemna isthe best I've ever run across. I figured out a long time ago that the biggest problem that the GB has ever had to face is the 1914 situation, and for the life of me, I just couldn't figure out how they were going to handle it. Talk about being painted into a corner. This is a far bigger problem than the the child abuse scandel or the UN debacle or the blood issue or anything else that they've ever had to deal with. But what you say makes perfect sense : they've got around 15 years to stall the R & F, and, in the meantime, they're figuring out how to cash in and leave town with their millions. It's about the only thing they can do, isn't it? But in the next few years, the child abuse cases will be winding through the courts and it's likely that a lot of victims are going to get a lot of those millions. Also, by around 2020, the old timers that have been keeping the organization afloat are going to have pretty much passed on, and with the youth leaving in droves already................................... Well, it's facsinating to think about all the ways that this could play out, isn't it? However, I will also say this : Over the decades, the Society has proven that they have staying power and can take a punch, so I doubt that this will sound the ultimate death knell for them. But there's no doubt that they've got serious troubles ahead. And that's an understatement.
And thank you, Eyeslice-------------great thread with excellent replies. One comes along every once in a while. That's why I love this place.
i kinda shyed away from posting my pics, since y'all so good looking and i'm far from it.
anyway i've mustered up the courage so here goes: .
this is me as a child: a couple of months before my avatar.
Thank you, Brummie. I owe you one. Change that--------I'll owe you two.
Thank you, Fe203Girl. That's hilarious and the best video I've ever seen, smoking cat and all.
Honorable mention to jgnat. Point taken. Thanks.
i kinda shyed away from posting my pics, since y'all so good looking and i'm far from it.
anyway i've mustered up the courage so here goes: .
this is me as a child: a couple of months before my avatar.
Sorry, but I can't let it go-----------I'll say my piece and then shut up. Whether it's blood, as I first surmised, or a cigarette, makes little difference. As a cat fancier, I know a little about the behavior of cats. Even professional animal trainers---------those working in TV and movies---------- will tell you that they can train or coax almost any animal or reptile to do almost anything. EXCEPT the ordinary house cat. They just won't do anything that they don't want to do. So here we have a cat lying by the side of the road cuddled up to some beer bottles and smoking a cigarette. The odds that anyone could get a live cat to do that are astronomical. It's a dead cat. Now if anyone gets a warm and fuzzy feeling out of looking at a dead cat, more power to ya. But I think it's offensive.
OK, I've said my piece. I'll lay off it.
Edited by - david_10 on 11 December 2002 9:9:5
i kinda shyed away from posting my pics, since y'all so good looking and i'm far from it.
anyway i've mustered up the courage so here goes: .
this is me as a child: a couple of months before my avatar.
Yes , I now see that it is a cigarette in his mouth which was not apparent to me when I first saw the picture, and that certainly does cause some doubt as to the condition of the cat. I apologize for "leaping to conclusions."
i kinda shyed away from posting my pics, since y'all so good looking and i'm far from it.
anyway i've mustered up the courage so here goes: .
this is me as a child: a couple of months before my avatar.
Actually, the third picture is not "puuuuurfectly adorable", as it is obviously a photo of a dead cat, what with the blood running out of its mouth and all. I'm sure that all of the cat-fanciers on the board, of which I'm one, would appreciate it very much if you would remove it.
Thanks. David
ok i'm probably way behind here but i just got the jan.1st 2003 issue of the wt and was looking at the service report and notice the 2.8% increase wordlwide, as opposed to the 1.7% on the last years report.
many here have posted before that this figure is somehow "fiddled" by the wt and is not accurate due to the new 15 minute rule, how is that?
i looked at an independant source and note that they say the witnesses are meticulous and known as particularly accurate in their data, and even "conservative" in their estimates of membership compared with other religious groups who tend to inflate their numbers.
I've joined this thread a little late, but I'll throw in my thoughts anyway : Agreeing with JT here------I think that the body count is truthful, and for that matter I think that all the other statistics that the Society reports on are truthful as well. And my reason for believing this is because of the number of Memorial partakers. Once again the number has gone up, and this looks real bad. There is no way that this number should be increasing, but, most years, it does. If I'm not mistaken, I believe that it has held at around 8,000 since the mid-seventies. It sort of shoots the Organization's belief of a declining and vanishing annointed remnant out of the water, don't you think? So------if they were going to lie about any of their stats, THEY WOULD LIE ABOUT THIS ONE. But they own up to the obvious contradiction and report it truthfully. Where the real problem comes in is the raw data that is sent in by the individual congregations. It is highly exaggerated, and sometimes downright false. A carload of people driving around on Saturday morning making not-at-homes and sitting inside McDonalds for an hour is not a carload of zealous kingdom proclaimers. It's just a bunch of people wasting their time. Also, at one congregation that I was in, I was the Ministerial Servant assigned to tally up the time reports for the Field Service overseer. I can tell you that I figured up time reports for people that I know never set foot in service. One was a bed-ridden sister who claimed 150 hours a month. Writing letters, I guess. Ridiculous. I knew of pioneers who would start their time by reading the day's text to their kids and keep it going so that by the time they hit the first door they already had 2 1/2 hours counted. And as a former pioneer myself, I knew all the tricks and I did what I had to do. I cheated. So while I think that the Society is basically honest in their reporting, it's the individual publishers and congregations that lie through their teeth.
i am not a witness or ex-witness but rather a 35 year old mom engaging in a dialogue with witnesses who are coming to my door.
(i may not change their minds but i'd like to plant seeds of doubt!
) i am trying to figure out what is behind a strategy (?
Hello Truthsetfree. Welcome to the board. Everyone has pretty much covered all the bases and I think that you'd better prepare yourself for more return visits. You are truly a sheep, or at least that is how you are being percieved. All had excellent comments, but I think that Blondie and Capra are probably on the mark : you're either being prepared for the next step of indoctrination or "C" stole you. Either way, I think that you're quite the buzz at the kingdom hall right now. However, I would like to mention one thing that no one has touched on yet : Be careful. You think that you are in complete control. But I've seen people who, even being sometimes violently opposed, were gradually sucked in by that infernal, relentless logic that's like the incessant dripping of a faucet. It's designed to wear you down and make you start seeing the "truth", and it works. Actually, I've seen it happen many times, and we sure would hate to see you sharing your experience at the next district assembly. And I'm serious. Check around, and I think you'll find others who can verify this and maybe even tell you how it happened to them. So be careful------------in a way, you're playing with fire.
Again................Welcome to the board---------------we're glad to have you.
Edited by - david_10 on 14 November 2002 9:12:32
i work in the lending industry, im an account rep for a wholesale mortgage bank.
royal bank of canada in newyork.
edited by - hamptonite21 on 12 november 2002 22:40:6.
I rebuild and restore antique pianos. Anyone have a question about your old family heirloom?