"And everyone is only a mouse-click away from the truth about The Truthâ„¢."
Auldsoul, that statement is something that everyone can agree with, no matter what opinion one has. I agree 100%, although I would apply in in a slightly different way: When one of the faithful is finally at the end of their rope and when they are finally ready to get help and look for the way out, it's never been easier. Not "easy", for sure, but "easier." One little mouse click, and the journey has begun. And this terrifies the Society more than anything, and they're at a loss as to how to handle it. I'm certain of one thing, though: their threatening, strong-arm tactics won't keep a lid on the Internet. They can't stop it, and it will eventually be their undoing. All because of one little mouse-click.
Rabbit, my heart goes out to you, but sometimes there are no answers or solutions, and we cope the best we can. I have seen this type of situation many times, though, and based on the limited information that you've given, I would point this out. I would speculate that your situation is out of your control and there's nothing that you can do. It's as simple as that. That realization alone might help you to see your way. I'm reminded of that old prayer, the so-called Serenity Prayer, that says: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference." This is one thing that you can't change, and you'll have to accept it. The Witness mindset is too strong and too entrenched for you to break it down, and it's probably best if you give your kids some room and don't pressure them. You won't change them, and if you push it too hard, you'll alienate them. They'll have to figure it out on their own. That's the downside to this. The upside is, unless your profile needs to be updated, you aren't disfellowshipped. And that's a biggie. As long as you're not disfellowshipped, then you are accessible to them. If and when any of your kids reach that "tipping point," when they're ready to raise questions (horrors!!), and find answers, they'll know they can come to you. But you'll have to be patient and hope for the best. Please forgive me if I'm stepping out of line here, I may be totally off-base, but I've seen this type of thing many times, and it appears your situation is pretty typical.
I don't know what to say about your ex-wife, but it's awfully sad. The Society is a master at breaking down self-esteem and laying on the guilt-----------------------------they are so proficient at it that a person can become incapable of sorting out his own emotions-----------------------------------he (or she) will feel the way the Society tells him to feel. When that unending barrage of propaganda from the publications, the elders, the meetings & assemblies finally convinces one that he (or she) has been rejected by Jehovah, then suicide becomes a viable option. I've been there and, apparently, so have you. I hope you can help her----------------------------maybe getting her in for professional counseling would help, I don't know. I hope you can help her.
Lastly, I'm very sorry about your Mom. I lost my mother a couple of years ago, too, and it's something you'll never get over. My mother was also a victim of the organization, but in a different way. I wrote about her a few months ago:
You can read it when you get a chance.
Take care, Rabbit----------I wish you well.